Coffee and desserts go hand in hand for me, and I am not even a desserts person! I just can not tolerate excessive sweetness. It somehow "burns" by gullet.
But with coffee, more often than not, I will go for a small treat! I have a theory for it, it's quite a simple on really. I feel like the sweetness of the dessert really brings out, or enhances the bitterness of the coffee. And at the same time, the bitterness of the coffee helps to mellow out the sweetness in the desserts making it quite pleasant.
It's all the Theory of Relativity.
Why am I blabbing on about physics, you may ask!
It will make sense, hopefully.
Now then, Is there a coffee shop where I go simply for the treats?
As soon as I saw the question, a place popped up in my head. But as I dwelled on it further, I thought that's insulting for their Coffee. Because, they do make really, really good coffee. It's just that their desserts are simply out of this world! "Theory of Relativity," eh!

You will have definitely read about Indulge Cafe on my blog, I go there quite often. And the reason I speak of Indulge today is because this is the only cafe where I am anticipating their desserts more than their coffee! Again, their coffee is indeed quite good!

But how can you not love these desserts!

Two different varieties of Cheese Tart, a plain one, and a blueberry flavoured one! I am a big fan of blueberry, if I hadn't mentioned it before! The thing I love most about the desserts at Indulge is that they don't overly sweeten their items. They allow the actual flavour of the ingredients shine through and take center stage. These cheese tarts for example - the flavour of the cheese and the crispiness is what shines here, not a buttload of sugary sweetness!
You know what's better than two desserts with cheese? Three desserts with cheese!

We can never skip the creamy cheesecake at indulge! And yes, you guessed it right! That comes with a spread of blueberry jam on top. You can't have too much blueberry, can you!
All images are my own!
I don't know what on earth these desserts are, but gosh! Aren't they tempting?
You've only JUST returned... so it's surprising you saw this prompt.I'm glad you did though:)
There's no way I wasn’t going to pop into my favourite community after returning hehe 😁 It’s good to be back! How have you been Milly? Been such a long time! I Should drop by the discord channel too.
The round ones are cheese tarts, and the slice is cheesecake. Anything with cheese, count me in! 😄