Jinjit Coffee A Themed Coffee Shop by The River Side (The Coffee Shop Prompt)

Meet again with a pleasant coffee experience. Coffee is a wonderful experience and I feel grateful for this new opportunity.


Thank you again and again to a good customer for taking me to a coffee shop that I've never been to before.

Coinciding with THE COFFEE SHOP PROMPT this week, about a themed coffee shop. Then, JINJIT COFFEE that I will share with you.



Me, My Childhood, and the River

JINJIT COFFEE feels special to me because it is by the river. It feels like there is a special connection between me and the river. Just a moment I was in this coffee shop, I feel comfortable. The reason is because this place is right by the river side. Grateful for that. Nostalgia I feel.


My home area is far from the ocean. The only water element that can be found is the river. My childhood was filled with swimming in the river.


The silly thing I remember the most is me skipping school with my elementary school friends in the morning just to swim in the river. Those are my fond memories.

Even though the river has a water color that is not as beautiful as the sea, the people and I really like the river. So, JINJIT COFFEE reminds me of my good childhood with my relationship with the river.



Relaxedly Decorated Like a Beach

JINJIT COFFEE has a design like beachside vibes which are dominated by wood elements. There we can see the use of rattan for the chairs which expresses the feeling of chilling out. Also, the tables use wood material which expresses the closeness of humans to nature.




In addition to tables, in some areas of the floor of this coffee shop use wood for the floor mats. It's not an easy task. Everything must be neatly arranged well for the durability of the material itself.


Well, the evening lights before sunset fill my eyes. It looks so peaceful. Enjoying my coffee while waiting for my customer that time to finish his business.


At that time I couldn't go up to the 2nd floor of JINJIT COFFEE because there was a customer of mine on the 2nd floor area. He told me to wait downstairs and I maintained that privacy.



Coconut trees shade the area around the coffee shop. It also strengthens the atmosphere like a beach.

Green plants were also placed in several places to create natural vibes around the striking wood material.



In several locations that do not use wood material, synthetic grass material is added for the floor mats. It looks like a grass carpet which makes the area look neat and clean too.


JINJIT COFFEE can be the right choice for Medan City residents to chill out. A themed riverside is a great option for a beachside alternative that is difficult to find in Medan city.



JINJIT COFFEE offers great coffee just like what I enjoy. In my opinion, the best time to visit this place is before sunset. The sunlight will be beautiful right on the river side as seen from the outskirts of the coffee shop.

JINJIT COFFEE has a clever idea to combine themselves with the atmosphere of the river that the locals like. A coffee shop that can also be an alternative tourist spot in the middle of a busy city.



Thank you for reading my blog. Greetings from Indonesia.

My introduction to HIVE can be read in the following post: https://peakd.com/newbie/@sobatkelana/hello-hive-take-me-exploring

All photos I took using my phone camera.


What a beautiful venue. I would want to linger there for a long time. Wow, the river is almost coffee colored!

Hello, Jayna
From your comment, I just realize the rives seems like coffee.

Thanks for stopping by

Hai, Jayna
Dari Komentarmu, aku baru menyadari warna sungai seperti warna kopi.

*Terima kasih telah berkunjung.

 2 years ago  

Your fondest memory of skipping school to be in the river made me smile. I understand just how much this coffee shop means to you. I'd like this place too. Anywhere by the river is where I wanna be:)
O F F E E-3.jpg

Hello, Milly.
So sorry for late response because I really busy about my job, driving to many places.
My memories, that was so naughty ahaha. I was naughty boy.

Thank you so much for your time stopping by here.

Hai, Milly.
Aku sungguh minta maaf karena terlambat memberimu tanggapan karena sangat sibuk berkendara ke banyak tempat.
Kenanganku, itu sungguh nakal. Aku adalah anak nakal.

Terima kasih untuk waktumu telah singgah ke sini.