Trying a new coffee [[Eng // Spa]]

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee4 years ago (edited)


Dear friends, I hope you are all very well and are having a good cup of coffee to enjoy these lines that I bring you below.

I am going through the community to continue sharing with you my tests with the brands of coffee that I am finding in the market at low cost, and in this way I will comment on its aroma and flavor and if it is worthwhile to continue consuming it, or to continue in the search.


For this opportunity I am going to share with you a way of preparing the coffee that a barista friend recommended to me, it is about making the coffee in an Italian coffee pot or greca as it is commonly called, but under the supervision of the water boiling and the coffee begins to come out through the barrel, we lift the lid waiting for the coffee to reach the middle of the container we proceed to turn off the stove and we leave it until all the liquid comes out.



With this procedure we achieve that the coffee does not burn and that it has the best similarity with a coffee prepared in an espresso machine, by taking care of this procedure the properties of the coffee that we are working with are taken advantage of to the maximum, neither the aroma is lost nor the flavor is saturated by overheating.


We know that we are on the right track with this technique because the coffee begins to generate foam around the barrel of the espresso machine.


I have already shared with you a good technique to enjoy an espresso coffee at home without the need to have the machine, now I am going to tell you about the coffee I tried this week.

This week I went to the market to do my shopping, when I went to the aisle with the varieties of coffee available, I noticed a new brand that I had not seen on that shelf and it was also with the best offer of all, the coffee is called Florentino.


It is a gourmet type coffee 100% Arabica coffee as described on its packaging, in my opinion it is a medium to fine grind but its packaging is not very elaborate and with very little description.


It is a product elaborated by a cooperative association type company, which to explain a little, are companies that were formed during the socialist government system in Venezuela, where credits were granted to those who supported the government regardless of anything related to the company.

This company is located in the state of Portuguesa in a sector called Biscocuy which is known for being a high producer of coffee in the country, the company does not manage website or social networks so I could only rely on the little information provided by the packaging.

On the other hand let's talk about my experience tasting this coffee, I will tell you that these days I have been a little touchy about drinking coffee and how to take it, this is due to the recent physical loss of my father and with whom I always shared the first coffee in the morning, well actually we shared many coffees a day but the most relevant was the first one when I woke up.


In view of this the ration that I am preparing of coffee is the same recipe that he made in the mornings, I make it once or twice a day, with the Florentino coffee I did my tests in the coffee pot and I found that it had a very good flavor accompanied by a good aroma.

When I went to prepare the coffee the second time I almost covered the filters of the coffee maker because it was too ground for this type of coffee maker, fortunately I was already preparing all the images for the publication and I can share with you this experience.

The rest of the times that I consumed the coffee I prepared it in the traditional way with my cloth strainer and there I had no problems, it should be noted that the disadvantage of the cloth strainer is that for the coffee to have a flavor similar to that of the Italian coffee maker you must add a lot of quantity, which makes it not very efficient, but the aroma that permeates every corner of the house is unique.

For now this is all I have to share with you and I would like to tell you that for my next installment I have already milked my dairy goats and I am sure that I will prepare a good publication with my coffee with milk variables.

We will continue to read each other and may God bless you greatly.

All photos are my own taken with my ZTE Blade Spark cell phone and edited in microsoft paint.



Queridos amigos espero todos se encuentren muy bien y estén tomando su buena taza de café para disfrutar de estas líneas que les traigo a continuación.

Paso por la comunidad a seguir compartiendo con ustedes mis pruebas con las marcas de café que voy encontrando en el mercado a bajos costo, y así les comento que tal es su aroma sabor y si vale la pena seguir consumiéndolo, o seguir en la búsqueda.


Para esta oportunidad les voy a compartir una manera de preparar el café que me recomendó un amigo barista, se trata de hacer el café en una cafetera italiana o greca como comúnmente se le llama, pero bajo la supervisión del hervor del agua y el café empieza a salir por el cañón, levantamos la tapa esperando que el café llegue a la mitad del recipiente procedemos a apagar la hornilla y dejamos hasta que termine de salir todo el liquido.



Con este procedimiento logramos que el café no se queme y que tenga la mejor similitud con un café preparado en maquina expreso, al cuidar este procedimiento las propiedades del café que estamos trabajando se aprovechan al máximo no se pierde ni el aroma ni se satura el sabor al sobre calentar.


Sabemos que vamos en el camino correcto con esta técnica porque el café empieza a generar espuma alrededor del cañón de la cafetera.


Ya les compartí una buena técnica para disfrutar de un café expreso en casa sin necesidad de tener la maquina, ahora les voy a hablar del café que probé esta semana.

Esta semana fui a realizar mis compras al mercado, cuando voy al pasillo de las variedades de café disponibles, note una marca nueva que no había visto en ese anaquel y además estaba con la mejor oferta de todos el café se llama Florentino.


Es un café tipo gourmet 100% café arabica según lo describe en su empaque, a mi parecer es un molido entre medio y fino pero su empaque es poco elaborado y con muy poca descripción.


Es un producto elaborado por una empresa tipo asociación de cooperativas que para explicarles un poco se trata de empresas que se formaron con el sistema de gobierno socialista que hay en Venezuela donde se le otorgaban créditos a los afectos al gobierno sin importar nada referente a la empresa.

Esta empresa se ubica en el estado Portuguesa en un sector llamado Biscocuy que se le conoce por ser alto productor del café del país, la empresa no maneja pagina web ni redes sociales por lo que me pude basar solo en la poca información que suministra el empaque.

Por otra parte hablemos de mi experiencia al probar este café, les voy a contar que en estos días he estado un poco susceptible con el tomar café y la forma de tomarlo, esto se debe a la reciente perdida física de mi padre y con quien siempre compartía el primer café de la mañana, bueno en realidad compartíamos muchos café al día pero el más relevante era el primero al despertar.


En vista de esto la ración que estoy preparando de café es la misma receta que él hacía por las mañanas, la hago una o 2 veces al día, con el café Florentino hice mis pruebas en la cafetera y me pareció que tenía un sabor muy bueno acompañado de un buen aroma.

Ya cuando fui a preparar la segunda vez el café casi que me tapo los filtros de la cafetera por estar muy molido para este tipo de cafeteras, menos mal ya estaba preparando todas las imágenes para la publicación y puedo compartir con ustedes esta experiencia.

El resto de la veces que consumí el café lo prepare de modo tradicional con mi colador de tela y ahí si no tuve problemas, cabe resaltar que la desventaja del colador de tela es que para que el café tenga un sabor similar al de la cafetera italiana se debe agregar mucha cantidad, lo que lo hace poco rendidor, pero el aroma que impregna por cada rincón de la casa es único.

Por ahora es todo lo que tengo para compartirles y les comento que para mi próxima entrega ya tengo en ordeño mis cabras lecheras y seguro que voy a preparar una buena publicación con mis variables de café con leche.

Nos seguiremos leyendo y que Dios les bendiga grandemente.

Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular ZTE Blade Spark y editadas en microsoft paint.

Translator // Traductor Deelp


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 4 years ago  

It's great to see you here🤗
What a detailed and comprehensive post:)
Very kind of you to share your little delights of reasonable, quality coffee, and the perfect way to make the brew to maintain it's great flavour and aroma.
The Moka Pot is such a common, easy, and convenient way to make coffee, but mastering the technique of using it is key.
Thanks for stopping by.😁
Have a great day☕️Hello @soychalbed

Thank you very much for the space, I feel very comfortable here.


 4 years ago  

😊It's great to know you feel welcomed here;)
We take great pride in being a friendly community🤗😍

 4 years ago  

Hello @soychalbed 😁

We're Looking forward to seeing you soon!😁
Have a great day!🤗