Hello coffee lovers, today I want to share with you my most recent experience buying coffee at the supermarket.
Hola amigos amantes del café, el día de hoy quiero compartirles mi experiencia más reciente comprando café en el súpermercado.
You see, in Venezuela a few weeks ago the price of coffee increased considerably, the half kilo presentation of coffee has doubled in price.
Verán, en Venezuela hace unas pocas semanas el precio del café incremento de manera considerable, la presentación de café de medio kilo paso a costar el doble de su valor.
In the search for more economical alternatives I was analyzing the different brands offered by the establishment where I dreamed of buying coffee. It just so happened that an employee was organizing the shelves with the new coffee packages that had arrived.
En la búsqueda de alternativas un poco más económicas estuve analizando las distintas marcas que ofrecía el establecimiento donde sueño comprar el café dando la casualidad que estaba un empleado organizando los estantes con los nuevos empaques de café que habían llegado.
Something very usual of Venezuelans, and especially in my 😂 is that we seek conversation to people even without knowing them (it sounds strange I know, but they are usually quite spontaneous conversations and on topics as superficial as the weather) clarified this small point, I must say that I commented to the supermarket employee how expensive the coffee had become, but I did not really expect him to answer me and less in the way he did.
Algo muy usual de los venezolanos, y sobre todo en mi 😂 es que buscamos conversación a las personas aún sin conocerla (suena extraño lo sé, pero suelen ser conversaciones bastante espontáneas y sobre temas tan superficiales como el clima) aclarado este pequeño punto, debo decir que le comento al empleado del supermercado lo costoso que se había puesto el café, pero no esperaba realmente que me respondiera y menos de la forma que lo hizo.
The boy began to talk to me about each brand of coffee, speaking of its advantages or disadvantages compared to other brands, with such a mastery of the subject that I had to ask him if he had studied anything related to the coffee industry, to which he replied that he was not an expert on the subject but he liked to read about it.
El muchacho me comenzó a hablar de cada marca del café, hablando de sus bondades o desventajas frente a las otras marcas, con tal dominio del tema que tuve que preguntarle si había estudiado algo relacionado con la industria del café, a lo que él respondió que no era un experto en el tema pero le gustaba leer sobre esto.
The final recommendation was about a brand of coffee called "páramo". To give you an idea of the name since it has no English translation, in my limited knowledge of the subject, páramo is a formation of small rivers on the surface of mountains.
La recomendación final fue sobre una marca de café que se llama "páramo". Para que tengas una idea del nombre ya que no tiene traducción al inglés, en mi conocimiento limitado en la materia, páramo es una formación de pequeños ríos en la superficie de las montañas.
As a curious fact, besides being the name of the coffee, it is the name of the coffee shop that created this brand, but also, when this coffee shop started I was a regular customer. They started in the basement of a building tower located in Caracas, it was right next to my first office, I used to go there every morning for a coffee, so much so, that the workers when they saw me from the window prepared my coffee and put it on the bar waiting for me to pick it up, their success was such, that after months they began to open other branches, and then to market the coffee they sold in this one.
Cómo dato curioso, además de ser el nombre del café, es el nombre de la cafetería que creo está marca, pero además, cuando está cafetería comenzó yo era clienta habitual. Comenzaron en el sótano de una torre de edificios ubicada en Caracas, quedaba justo al lado de mi primera oficina, solía ir todas las mañanas allí por un café, tanto así, que los trabajadores ya al verme desde la ventana preparaban mi café y lo ponían en la barra esperando que llegara a retirarlo, el éxito de ellos fue tal, que a los meses comenzaron a abrir otras sucursales, y luego a comercializar el café que vendían en esta.
But back to the topic of coffee, another day I will make a post about this coffee shop that I love, I decided to buy the one recommended by the worker.
Pero volviendo al tema del café, otro día les hago un post de esta cafetería que además me encanta, decidí comprar el que me recomendó el trabajador.
His final recommendation was about this coffee because he says that the packaging is special so that it does not lose its flavor, because it has double thickness and the production date is never more than a month. According to what he told me, keeping coffee in storage for many months can cause it to change its flavor.
Su recomendación final fue sobre este café pues el dice que el empaque es especial para que no pierda el sabor, porque tiene doble grosor y la fecha de producción nunca es superior a un mes. De acuerdo a lo que el me comentó, conservar el café por muchos meses almacenado puede hacerlo cambiar su sabor.
Once he finished his explanation and I had my coffee, the rest of the people around me approached the employee to ask him to explain again what he had explained to me, they were all fascinated, and he very kindly did so.
Una vez terminó su explicación y tomé mi café, el resto de las personas que estaban a mi alrededor se acercaron al empleado para pedirle que les explicarán nuevamente lo que me había explicado a mi, todos estaban fascinados, y el muy amablemente así hizo.
I brought my coffee home and decided to prepare it, I used less coffee because the smell was quite strong coffee, and once I used the coffee, following your recommendation, do not change it to another container, keep it in its packaging. In fact, the factory includes in the packaging of the coffee a security seal that then allows to seal the package properly, so probably the intention is to keep it in its packaging.
Traje mi café a casa y decidí prepararlo, utilicé menos café porque el olor era de un café bastante fuerte, y una vez utilicé el café, siguiendo su recomendación, no lo cambie a otro envase, lo conserve en su empaque. De hecho, la fábrica incluye en el empaque del café un precinto de seguridad que luego permite sellar el empaque adecuadamente, así que probablemente la intención sea que se conserve en su empaque.
Without a doubt I teleported myself to the coffee shop where so many mornings and some afternoons I enjoyed a good coffee, the taste was the same of the coffee prepared in those special machines that give coffee such a unique and delicious flavor.
Sin duda me teletransporte a la cafetería donde tantas mañanas y algunas tardes disfrutaba de un buen café, el sabor era el mismo del café preparado en aquellas máquinas especiales que le dan al café un sabor tan único y delicioso.
This way I was satisfied with the week's recommendation, and happy with the results.
Por aquí quedé satisfecha con la recomendación de la semana, y feliz con los resultados.
You are luckly to live in a country that produces coffee. I imagine that the coffee is more abundant and flavorful. Coffee at my local store in the US jumped yo over $10 a pound. My local store is expensive. A kilo is 0.453592 of a pound; So, coffee is about $4.50 a kilo. I guess that would be about 9.5 HIVE for a kilo.
I decided to give up coffee as part of the world's economic turmoil. To my surprise I haven't noticed any changes after the decision.
It is common for people in the US to drink drip coffee. This is where one pours water over the coffee then toss the beans. Some people are are switching to methods that extract more of the coffee flavor from the beans.
Wikipedia has a page on Venezuelian Coffee Production. It says that Venezuela was once a leading exporter of coffee, but that exports slowed after the rise of Chávez.
Some farmers say the reduction in production is due to government policies. The government says the problem is due to evil farmers who are hoarding coffee. Maybe you should go to the coffee growing region. You will probably find huge caves overflowing with all of the coffee the farmers are secretly hoarding.
Posted using PALnet
Hello, thank you for your comment. Here coffee costs about 18 dollars a kilo, which makes it extremely expensive if you compare it with the income of most nationals here, however, I dare say that Venezuelans drink more coffee than water, so despite the cost we always look for ways to keep the habit.
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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Hola mi paisana, concuerdo contigo, esto sucedio despues del añorado aumento de salario, como siempre el aumento se vio reflejado en muchos productos para poder nivelar sus costos, de igual manera no dejamos de comprarlo jejeje
Sabes que esta marca de café aun no la veo en los anaqueles de mi isla querida? Saludos
Es probable que pronto comiencen a venderlo allá, este año es que lo he visto con mayor frecuencia en el mercado, aunque en la misma tienda páramo los venden tambien
Haha not only in coffee even in Venezuela, also the milk, sugar and even the cups to serve it haha.
By the way I have not seen this brand in supermarkets yet, but if I see it I will buy it without hesitation :D
Hahahahahaha I like to drink it with milk but without sugar, it was explained to me once that sugar steals the coffee's protagonism, although I've never been a sweet drinker.