No Milk, No Sugar. It Would Ruin the Decadent Flavour and Dull the Aroma. My Gift to ME!

Oh I love the opportunity to talk about the topic of today.

No spoilers...

I have written about it before, which is hardly surprising as it is a HUGE part of my life. Everyone who knows me knows the topic to be synonymous with me.

Everyone that visits my home, knows they will not be served lacklustre, below par beverages. Some things are too serious to be trifled with.

Well here we are at the end of the week Friday night is upon us and I wanted to finish the week by holding true to the pattern of the past few days.

I have been trying out some communities that I haven't written posts for thus far, but communities that I always mean to try out to see if they are a good fit.

So tonight will be 3 for 3.

3 posts, 3 days in a row, 3 communities I have not used before.

Top tip, hive friends. This is a fabulous way to meet and engage with new people or friends you have not crossed paths with for a while, it's always great to reconnect.

So the community I will be writing a post for this evening is

cinnamon cup coffee

It is a travesty and really quite amazing that I have not ventured in to the community before today. One thing is for sure though, this won't be my last visit.

I promise I am not going to go on about it again as it has been a feature of a few of my posts recently. I only mention it to add context.
A while ago m'lady and I quit the dreaded habit we had been engaged in for a combined total of over 65 years.

In the early days I was 'climbing the walls!!!'. I don't know if you know that sensation, you know you want something but you are not quite sure what it is that you fancy...

So you eat a savoury snack, nope that's not it, you try a cookie, not that either, a drink, no... **on this occasion, I guess nothing but a cigarette would do it but I

One particularly difficult day when the cravings were punching me about the head repeatedly I made a decision based on advice people always give you when you quit.

I had already been drinking a LOT of coffee, swapping out extra caffeine for the lack of nicotine but on this particular Sunday... I needed something MORE!!!

People always tell you to take some of the money you would've spent on cigarettes and buy yourself a little treat. So I did...

The problem was that I had only gone about 3 days without a cigarette yet the treat I chose was around £400. I think I only acted this way because I was so agitated and angry at the cravings, I was behaving like a petulant child...

So I rewarded the bad behaviour with a shiny new £400 toy!!!

I filled it with some of the amazing beans I got from an amazing UK witness and friend who I would have no hesitation in recommending to anyone with a spare witness vote slot. @c0ff33a witness is actually a trans-Atlantic double act as it is run with the amazing Wes AKA @derangedvisions

I've no idea, why I looked so sinister in the background!!!

I was lucky enough to attend the #teamuk meetup at the amazing, cavernous 'coffee shed' a couple of times now. It is his business premises and smells of the most amazing roasts from spectacular quality beans sourced from some of the most far flung corners of the planet.

(FYI it is white rose coffee roasters, if you are from the UK and fancy trying the mail order coffee or coffee subscription service.

An evolving journey of caffeine consumption.

I started off back in the day with good quality ground coffee and a glass cafetiere. @c0ff33a introduced me to the AMAZING aero press, it transformed my life!

in fact, the first ever #teamuk meetup took place on my birthday, and he presented it to me as a gift. I LOVED it and it was a travel model, unbelievably compact and I could even use it to make amazing coffee in my hotel room after the meet up.

Around the turn of the year he provided me with my first ever hand grinder that was a game changer... He and I still need to talk about that actually... I've been away from Hive for quite some time so not spoken to this amazing guy for a while.

My new machine has transformed my coffee journey and I have now genuinely saved enough money that I would have spend on cigarettes to look back and justify the purchase.

I believe it helped me in my goal of quitting cigarettes to the point that now I am a non smoker with amazing barista quality coffee on tap.

Before I leave, I would like to share a poem I wrote over 5 years ago, it has one reference to that other blockchain at the end, maybe I will re-write the final lines...

It was for a writing contest on the subject of coffee that obviously resonated with me.

I think it sums up my obsession more than me explaining it ever could.

I need to be creative, my wit must be pristine
I need my flow to "come online" upon a certain theme
The themes a cup of coffee, homage, I pay to that
Way back I cut out milk and cream as I was getting fat

Sooner still went sugar, I couldn't justify
The constant dental cavities, the treatment made me cry
My ambrosia is now strong and black, the flavour is sublime
I couldn't give up caffeine, though I gave up beer and wine

Yes I love a stronger flavour, Baristas, they love me
As Kenyan blends are smoother, but command a higher fee
No I couldn't lose my caffeine, you see what I'm construin'?
My life would be just pointless, an apocalyptic ruin

So you see by now, I'm sure my friend, I really am afflicted
Because at this stage of my life I'm coffee-wise addicted
The mornings would be hell for me, the nights a sheer trial
I'd even buy it from a pusher in a shameful wrap or vial

Once I tried decaffeinated, I sampled herbal teas
But I didn't get the hit I loved, from either one of these
Yes I truly love my coffee, it's a passion, it's a dream
I love the taste, the kick, the smell, I even love the "STEEM!" steam.

Thank YOU for taking the time to read my post and if you're one of those amazing people who like to hit the comments section... Then I doubly thank YOU!

Either way I want you to know that you are appreciated!

Keep taking the time to connect with each-other both here and in the 'so-called' real world and try and look after each-other, because as you already know...

Together We're Just Better.png


I am an incredibly proud member of #TeamUK I love the global community immensely, but it is nice to have a home-team banner to add to my posts. The banner was made by the inimitable RoastMaster General himself @c0ff33a If you are an active UK member and would like to be added to the teamUK community on Discord, just let me know 😎

Most designs/photos are my own or created in Canva.


Hey bro.

i usually add turmeric, ginger and cardamon (usually just 2 of the three) to my coffee (which i make with a french press) and a touch of green leaf stevia powder for sweetness.

All of these have healing properties, and counteract (at least in part) to the acidity (not good) of the coffee.

Sacrilege or not, i like it :-)

On another subject:
A tip, take it or leave it; the very large font you use for the main body of your posts, imo. makes it not so easy to read the posts as one has to scroll a lot.

Hope you're are feeling good (ie. good at feeling).

Sat Nam

Ps. For some reason i thought you were in the US, but looks like you're in the UK, as am i at the moment, but not sure how much longer until i return to Bulgaria. What part of the country are you in?

Pps. Great poem

Hello my friend, sorry for the delay in responding, my treadmill will not pause for me to catch up with the rest of my life.

Thank you for the feedback on my posts, I am a PC user through and through and I often forget that most people are more likely to be mobile users, thank you for the reminder, I have taken it on board and acted accordingly 😊

I am in the North of England, Teesside specifically. Ironically on Sunday morning I am heading to Sunny Beach in Bulgaria for a week. I only very recently found this information out as it was a surprise from my lovely lady in order to try and improve my/our moods that have not been so good lately. It is my birthday on Tuesday and she very thoughtfully, chose this as a gift.

The value was amazing, I am reliably informed and to be honest the sun, fresh air and opportunities to walk and walk and walk will be of huge benefit I am sure. The country has such a rich and diverse range of wildlife a massive array of ecosystems and terrains, I would like to try and experience some of this rather than stay in resort for the whole week.

My return next weekend is planned to be the start of my transformation to everything I have ever wanted to be, do and have.

Always an utter pleasure my friend, thankyou for the thoughts, amazing advice and input as ever, be well, cross paths with you very soon. 😎

i've been to Sunny Beach once. i stayed (camping nearby) at a Hare Krishna ashram. It was quite a profound experience. If you would like details so you can visit, just ask.

Here's a post i made when i was there:

i may well be retuning to Bulgaria in about a week, not sure for how long though as i'll likely have to return to England within a couple of months or less until i can make a more permanent arrangement for my mother's care.

Enjoy your hols brother.

Peace & Love

That cup though got me filling excited, Mr grumpy, do you really choose that for your coffee sipping , i love your perspective

 last year  

It's so great to see you back in the blogging world, and welcome to the community 😁Hello @stevenwood

I love all your coffee mugs, especially the first two.
What you're doing by visiting different communities is great and I'm happy that you made it here.
Congrats on quitting smoking and I trust that you're coping well. It's always great to see Hivers match faces to the names.
I've never tried an Aeropress, but we have an array of different machines that we use, although recently I've only been having Nespresso... and yes! I take my coffee black!

A Low Blow Knockout-5.jpg

Well done for quitting smoking. I don’t have milk as I think the coffee tastes much better. I used to have 3 sugars but have now got down to one!

I am totally super excited for the 23rd!!! can't wait.. Mainly for the coffee, ;) the people are nice too but that coffee though!!! :P

I see you got a Delonghi bean to cup! I think that was one of the ones we were tempted in getting when we started down the rabbit hole that is coffee brewing.

We settled on our Gaggia expresso machine in the end which has since had many mods added to further customize our coffee making experience.

Expensive hobby but its soooo worth it.

Greetings my friend, drinking freshly roasted coffee is delicious, only with the smell that it leaves as it is being ground is too exquisite at the same time it is pure, of course the process is somewhat tedious when we do it at home; in the end it is delicious.

The title of your posts speaks to me hehe! Although I must admit, I do like adding milk to an espresso based drink. But when it comes to drip coffee or a classic french press - adding milk seems like an abomination to the whole experience!

I have had my eyes on a Delonghi espresso machine for a while now, but just haven't had the courage to pull the trigger looking at the price tag 😁

Greetings and salutations!
We have what they call a coffee roastery, an open air restaurant here and they import big bags of coffee beans from all over the African continent. Some amazing flavors and tastes.
So needless to say, I am one of their most regular clients and visit at least 3 times per week for a mug of the caffein nectar. You seem to have a great setup over there.

I've no idea, why I looked so sinister in the background!!!

Somehow I think sinister is your default setting🙃🙃🙃

You should get some coffee from @c0ff33a. I order 3 bags every 6-7 months or so. Way better stuff than anywhere else!

 last year  

It's great to see you! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976