A big hug to all those who make life in this community. Today I am once again participating in the conversations about this spectacular liquid, coffee, and I am getting ready to respond:
“In your opinion, what is the best coffee-producing region and why? What are some of the qualities and characteristics associated with that region?
As a good Venezuelan I will always prefer the coffee from my country. We are really very demanding in every process that involves coffee. From the planting of its coffee plantations, the selection of the best beans and all that process that makes us exporters of one of the most recognized coffees worldwide, both for its aroma and its flavor that is always a reference wherever it goes.
In my country there are different coffee growing areas. I have had the opportunity to visit some coffee plantations in the State of Monagas. This is a state close to where I live which is the State of Sucre and when we started our trip towards that place we found on the road many stands selling ground coffee of excellent quality, even when it is not sold in a commercial brand packaging, that town has coffee in its blood and offers highly competitive products and even many families are dedicated to roasting and selling coffee and it is a delight to the palate.
However, I cannot fail to recognize the quality of Colombian coffee which I have also had the privilege of enjoying, and which is also an excellent export product and even has a particular reign as "International Coffee Queen".

The Colombians have a particular seal in their coffee, just as in my country they strive to be a world reference and their people as well as ours are consumers of this beverage as part of the idiosyncrasy and national culture.
Any visitor to either of these two countries can attest to their excellence and prestige. The staff is highly qualified and trained with the best techniques to achieve the best product of international recognition and therein lies much of the success achieved.
Pure coffee is the best that exists, that which impregnates the environment and graces the palate of those of us who consume it and attest to its extraordinariness, so in my opinion the best coffee is that which combines quality at a good price that is accessible to all of us who wish to enjoy it.
Me despido.
I bid you farewell.

Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es de mi autoría, cualquier duda hacer mención a mi persona y con gusto les responderé @surglen.
All the content found in this publication is my authorship, if you have any questions, mention me and I will answer you @surglen.
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Photographs are my property, except those cited with their source. @surglen.
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Hola amiga, ciertamente el café venezolano es muy sabroso y de excelente calidad, la historia de Venezuela nos dice que desde la época de la colonia el café y el cacao eran nuestros principales productos de exportación y en Europa el café de Venezuela era uno de los preferidos. Sin lugar a dudas, es fascinante despertar y probar una deliciosa taza de café. Saludos
Thank you my beautiful for your visit. Venezuelan coffee is and will continue to be a reference and its flavor always transports us and delights us.
That's pretty cool. Kind of like an open market for coffee. We see that with vegetables and fruit when it's in season and sometimes eggs, but never coffee. Very cool
Hello dear friend, when the coffee is of high quality it is noticeable and in this place, which has a mild climate, there is an excellent coffee that is very well known.
Venezuelan coffee for me is the best. Even though production has decreased, it is still excellent.
A hug friend @surglen
And we owe each other several coffees and their respective get-togethers.
If I had an access to Venezuelan coffee I definitely would. I am currently on the hunt for Guatemalan coffee and I hope it's as good as Colombian coffee.
Venezuelan and Colombian coffees are great. I have not tasted the Guatemalan. Coffee is the elixir of the Gods.