Greetings dear friends coffee lovers, this is my participation in the #SPILLTHEBEANS CONTEST for which I want to take the opportunity to invite friends @joalheal
The aroma of good freshly brewed coffee, reaches my sleepy body, waking up every sense in this cold January morning after spending a night of enjoyment and drinks to de-stress from my complex routine life. Before joining again the tasks I have to prepare for this Sunday, I decided to take a shower to start a day with energy, completely ignoring all kinds of electronic devices and focusing on enjoying the hot water and aromatic salts.
It's almost 11 a.m., I finally get up the courage to turn on my phone and check my to-do list. As soon as it connects to the network, the cell phone starts ringing tirelessly, so with surprise, I go to check the messages that are bursting from my friends, in voice notes and emails, they tell me that someone has stolen the recipe for the famous secret coffee cocktail that I only prepare on special occasions, using a recipe book that I inherited from my great-grandmother.
This news completely ruined my morning, when I saw the video of the TikTok influencer, I verified that indeed this character was making a fortune using my ancestral recipe. Apparently, he found it written in a notebook that was stolen from me, and that somehow got into his hands, which makes me think that he is related to the assailants. My relaxation came to an end at that precise moment, anger invaded my body before the impotence, and then. I swore that I would find a way to take revenge.
My family is one of the oldest in the Middle East, my first ancestors go back to biblical times, specifically in the time of King Saul, from there our famous Endor surname is born, being inevitably linked to the occult practices of the powerful witch told in the Old Testament, whose possessions and knowledge passed in secret from generation to generation. The time has come to awaken my magical essence, so while I sip a cup of hot coffee to quench my murderous impetus, I decided to check the chest of secrets and ask the spirits for advice.
A few days later, I put into practice all the influence that the money and reputation of a powerful businesswoman in the vegetable trade can buy, managing to establish direct contact with the manager of the influencer who had dared to desecrate the secret formula of the family potion. I told him a planned lie, making him see that my consortium was interested in hiring his representative to be the image of a coffee campaign, but that I had a very special condition to see if he had the necessary talent, he needed to spend a weekend at the coffee farm so that he could understand first hand the laborious process of its elaboration, from the time the beans are picked from the plant until they are finally roasted and packaged.
The red flame of the biblical torch illuminated the entrance of the old house the night that the young man innocently stepped on the profane land, consecrated for its destruction with ancestral magic. Little time passed before the effects of a malevolent incantation began to girdle his body, making him feel a terrible shiver that vibrated in his jelly body. The vengeance had begun, and the powerful demon would not abandon his mission until he was destroyed unless I reversed his order, therefore, I had to stay very close, watching everything through my crystal ball.
The designs of the infernal herald manifested themselves in a terrifying way against the boy, starting with a disconcerting smell of sulfur that invaded the whole room, followed by whispers that seemed to slowly approach his ears as he tried to sleep amidst pleas and cries. At that moment the horror took over his mind putting him on the verge of madness, so he did the only thing he could try in the solitude of that dark enclosure devoid of electricity, run away!
But it was there when the surprise pulverized his hope when he realized that the door could not open, then he shouted as loud as he could begging for help, he tried to call and even make a live broadcast to tell what was happening to him, but nothing worked in that empty limbo.
My goal was to push him to his limits before 3:33 A.M. when the demon would manifest in the physical body to drag him to the confines of his circle of torments, at which time I would lift the spell and call to order him to download all the videos. However, everything went terribly wrong, in his desperation the fragile teenager decided to jump through the window from the upper floor, losing his life when he fell on the patio where the coffee beans were drying. Then I was paralyzed for a few minutes, totally shocked by what happened, but then I knew that evil ran through my veins and that something perverse enjoyed every second of that sacrifice, while the evil spirit of my ancestor possessed me, resurfacing to strike again in modern times.
Thank you for reading
This is an Original Story written by @susurrodelmisterio for Hive.
All copyrights reserved.
© Copyright 2023 Susurro del Misterio
Oh, dear! What a terrible twist! Such a tragic ending, heh!

Hello dear friend, yes it was a tragic and unexpected ending in a surprising twist of the story, but I tried to convey the message that revenge consumes people to the point of taking them to evil without measuring the consequences of their actions. I hope you liked it.
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Omoh! This was terrifying and plain horrific but it was thrilling too! I so enjoyed it. The paranormal in our modern times and what delight. Should I be worried that somebody's death delights me?😂
I think you should 😂😂
As always you had managed get us in the border of the sit!
Thanks for invite me!!
This is clearly where we should know whom we are dealing with so we don't offend the wrong person. Gosh... Such a tragic end.
Oh my God...! It seems that everyone has been fried there. Vengeance consumes you to ashes. Very good job, friend.
Wow, you have left me with my mouth open, excellent story of revenge, although I didn't count on the young man's decision.