Coffee, A Cup of Delicious Drinks

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago (edited)

Hi all friends, how are you all the goods, hopefully healthy always all of you and keep keeping your health protocol, my special greetings to admin @millycf1976 and mod @cinnccf healthy always for admin and mod
This is my first entry in the Cinnamon cup coffee community.

Coffee Milk(Sanger)Specialty Coffee Aceh


Coffee is one of the most popular drinks around the world, coffee is really delicious if you drink it both in the morning, and at night when you are tired and tired after a day's activities. The coffee business has become a tens of billion dollar business, which only businesses like oil can compete with.


In the past, coffee was used as a food product. After that coffee is used as a substitute for wine. and coffee can also be used as medicine. And in this day and age, coffee is known as a drink that is quite popular with many people, young and old.

Coffee is used as food. The coffee beans are crushed, then oil is added. Then this dough is shaped into a round and made into food. Today, some tribes in Africa still eat coffee in its raw form.





The distinctive taste of coffee makes a sensation in the mouth. Like iced coffee or ice cream with a sweet, refreshing coffee flavor. Coffee is also one of the basic ingredients for making coffee-flavored cakes. And the most popular are plain coffee and milk coffee.

"A cup Of Coffee Can Lift Your Spirits"
