Hello my beautiful community today I want to share a beautiful experience that I lived with my mom and it was really very nice, as you all know I visit my mother almost daily to cover her basic needs and help her at home, since she for health reasons can not go out and there are certain activities that she can not perform.
Hola mi hermosa comunidad hoy quiero compartir una hermosa experiencia que viví con mi mamá y fue realmente muy linda, como todos saben yo visito a mi madre casi a diario para cubrir sus necesidades básicas y ayudarla en casa, ya que ella por motivos de salud no puede salir y hay ciertas actividades que no puede realizar sola.

I usually go to her house and we share a coffee together, every afternoon I go upstairs at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I spend some time with her, most of the time we eat coffee with bread, but this time something very special happened and that is that before arriving at my mother's house, I decided to ask the price of a package of chocolate chip cookies, I really thought they were very expensive and that's why I avoided even looking at them, besides I had a long time without buying sweet cookies.
Suelo ir a su casa y compartimos un café juntas, todas los días subo a eso de las 4 de la tarde y paso un rato con ella, la mayoría de las veces comemos café con pan, pero esta vez sucedió algo muy especial y es que antes de llegar a la casa de mi madre, decidí preguntar el precio de un paquete de galletas de chocolate, realmente pensé que eran muy costosas y por eso evitaba siquiera mirarlas, además tenía mucho tiempo sin comprar galletas dulces.

The package of cookies cost me half a dollar and I was very happy to take it to my mother's house, but she was even happier when she saw the package of cookies in my hand, my dear mother is a woman who is 66 years old, but for health reasons she looks a little older so you can imagine the tenderness she reflects when expressing emotion for the cookies...
El paquete de galletas me costó medio dólar y me alegré mucho de llevarlo a casa de mi madre, pero ella se alegró aún más cuando vio el paquete de galletas en mi mano, mi querida madre es una mujer que tiene 66 años, pero por motivos de salud aparenta un poco más de edad así que se pueden imaginar la ternura que reflejaba al expresar su emoción por las galletas...

At first I felt like crying when I saw that she was so excited, she looked like a little girl when she gets a candy, she was so happy that she quickly went out to the kitchen and told me I am going to make coffee, that made me very excited because sometimes we stop buying those things because we have other economic needs but how necessary it is to spoil our family with a chocolate cookie and a huge cup of coffee.
Al principio me dieron ganas de llorar al ver que estaba tan emocionada, parecía una niña pequeña cuando le dan un caramelo, estaba tan contenta que rápidamente salió a la cocina y me dijo voy a hacer café, eso me emocionó mucho porque a veces dejamos de comprar esas cosas porque tenemos otras necesidades económicas pero que necesario es consentir a nuestra familia con una galleta de chocolate y una enorme taza de café.

My mother prepared coffee with milk for her and it was a pleasure to see how she dipped the cookies in the coffee and ate them with so much pleasure, for my part I preferred a cup of coffee only without sugar because the cookie was quite sweet and I did not want it to be cloying, on this occasion I decided not to soak the cookies in the coffee but I preferred to feel the two flavors separately, I imagine that if I had soaked them I would have liked them just the same.
Mi madre preparó café con leche para ella y fue un placer ver como mojaba las galletas en el café y se las comía con tanto gusto, por mi parte preferí una taza de café negro sin azúcar porque la galleta era bastante dulce y no quería que fuera empalagosa, en esta ocasión decidí no remojar las galletas en el café sino que preferí sentir los dos sabores por separado, me imagino que si las hubiera remojado me hubieran gustado igual.

After we finished our coffee and talked for a while, she thanked me for having shared with her chocolate cookies with coffee, my heart felt big and I went home very satisfied.
Cuando terminamos el café, conversamos un rato y ella me agradeció por haber compartido con ella las galletas de chocolate con café, mi corazón se sintió grande y me fui a casa muy satisfecha.
Separador editado por mi en Power point a partir de Pixabay
Separator edited by me in Power point from Pixabay
Photographs taken by me with a ZTE phone.
Fotografías tomadas por mi con un teléfono ZTE

You're not going to believe it, reading this publication I thought: oh I'm going to make myself a cup of coffee and boom my cousin who always accompanies me comes into my room and tells me here I brought you a cup of brown coffee as you like haha this is the law of attraction haha how nice to have your mom alive to drink your coffee and help her, that also made me fly my imagination because mine is not here, she died when I was 22 years old ...greetings @tejimundo a hug.
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Having coffee and a extra treat of cookies is a great way to brighten her day.
I admire that special moment when you both felt each other's love, and it's nice that you see the beauty in your mum to be like that of a child😍
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a nice day;)Hello @tejimundo, your daily ritual of spending time, and caring of your Mum is special💛.
Que linda @tejimundo poder complacer a nuestros padres. Me encantó y ahora quiero.
Los buenos momentos siempre van acompañados de un buen cafecito. Qué alegría que pudiste compartir esa rica merienda con tu mami. Me encantó leerte, querida @tejimundo, un abrazo.
Your mom is so sweet, its very nice of you as a daughter to take care of her. I wish you and your mom all the luck and happiness.
Hello @tejimundo
We're Looking forward to seeing you soon;-)
Have a great day!