Hello dear friends who pass through this beautiful Community, after several days absent due to family problems, I am very pleased to be with you again. This time I do not want to talk about me but about my eldest daughter.

She is 34 years old and currently lives in the city of Santiago de Chile, since 6 years ago.

In spite of living with me until she was 28 years old and watching me taste my delicious coffee every day of my life, she was never attracted to it, not even the aroma; no matter how much I encouraged her to try it, she never did.

A few months ago she told me that she felt very tired, (she works all day) and often had a headache, I took the opportunity to mention the properties of coffee, I told her that it is a good energizer and also takes away the headache, she replied that that was my grandmother's stuff and started to laugh (I think I did not achieve anything).

Last week she gave me a big surprise, she informed me after what we talked about she thought better of it and went to a super market determined to buy a coffee, she was lost, she didn't know which one to choose.


After browsing the shelves and seeing the quantity and variety of coffees, she told a woman who was buying coffee the need she had to consume such coffee, she explained to the lady what was happening and she very kindly recommended to start with an instant Nescafe powder, there were many flavors, my daughter could not decide which one to choose but in the end she decided on the traditional one.


She also bought a skim milk powder to mix with the coffee, since she still does not feel ready to drink it pure.


She thanked the woman for her guidance, cancelled the bill and went home happy. When she arrived she called me to tell me about the first experience of her life buying coffee, I was very excited and congratulated her, hahaha.

She told me that she was going to prepare it cold with ice, the first thing she did was to pour in the blender a little water and a big spoonful of the instant coffee she bought and in a transparent cup with ice she poured that mixture, she also blended the powdered milk and added it to the cup.


Finally added a little cocoa powder and mixed everything well, really prepared was a cappuccino beats, but I think it's a good start to enter the wonderful world of coffee.


She loved that preparation, she tells me that since that day she prepares a cold cappuccino without sugar every afternoon and she has really felt better with more energy.

How wonderful, my oldest daughter has already tasted her first cup of coffee (although cold), I hope that with time she will learn to drink hot coffee and taste the variety that exists in coffees and notice the great change in her life, since coffee makes life more beautiful and pleasant, for that I will be present, to guide her and recommend her the delicacies that exist in the world of coffee.

So far this little story that I wanted to share with you, since I feel very excited about such pleasant news.

All the pictures are my daughter's, taken from her cell phone Phone 16 pro, who sent them to me by WhatsApp and with her consent to publish them.

I use Deelp translator (free version) for my publications.


 4 months ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Thank you, the pleasure is mine!😃☕️😋

It's been a long time since I've tried nescafe. I remember that its taste is spectacular.

Hi @gpache , it is not the one of my preference to consume it daily, but if I take it into account at times when we do not have much time to prepare the greca, also comes in different flavors and is very rich especially to do it with milk, well it is my taste. Thank you for reading and commenting on my presentation, it is important to me, have a great day!☕️😋💕