Greetings, everyone!
This week is my daughter's birth week and her aunt requested that I bring her over so we can all celebrate together.
My five-years-old daughter was so excited when I took her there yesterday, but on our way, i caught a glimpse of a beautiful sight, that really captured our attention.
We saw a tea truck from a well known tea brand in Nigeria called "TEATOP" sharing tea to people.
I was a little nervous about why they were giving away free tea when people like me were eager to purchase from them but at the same time, I was curious to find out how a free tea would taste.We never knew it was free until we approached them (@Madilyn02and I) and asked for the price of their tea but they replied "it's free ".
I knew the TOPTEA brand for their lipton tea but had never seen their creamy tea before. so I assumed they were introducing their new tea to the market. I requested for a cup of tea which they happily provided for me.
The tea was good, it had a creamy, bitter-sweet taste and maintained the original Teatop lipton flavor that everyone loves.
However, one thing felt a bit off for me, it leaves something on the tongue. I can't quite explain what it is but after enjoying the creamy bitter-sweet tea, you'll experience something that's a little bit coarse on your tongue. Maybe it was just me but the tea was really good.
What attracted me to them initially was their arrangement. The beautifully branded bus, their choice of color, the arrangement of their stand and teapots and most especially the warm reception they provided to everyone who came around.
Though the tea was free, they were still kind to people, I even requested to take some pictures with them and they willingly accepted.
They took our numbers and also photographed us, well, I guess it was for review purposes.
After then, we resumed our journey, and my daughter had a wonderful celebration with her aunt, who happened to have the same birthday date with my baby girl.
I hope they launch the tea soon.
Thanks for reading my post.
All photos are mine.
Yours faithfully.
Hello there!
It's great to see you stop by. Here's a cup of tea and a muffin on the house.
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Have a Tea-some Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗
Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.
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I'll do that immediately.
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Wow, it's great to have an opportunity like that, and they really enjoyed it. That brand is acceptable in all of its products. I want a free one 😁