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RE: First Group Study Session | 勉強会が始まりました

in JP Study Hub8 months ago

Nice meeting you Elsie and even when you’ve been away from Hive for months, that’s alright! At least you’re here again now. 😉

I also like watching animes and dramas in Japanese. Although dubbing in another language is fine, I just like the original language better - which is Japanese.

One question though: what inspired you to learn Japanese?

Hmmm, tough question.
You mean the now or when I first started?


How about both? Nyahahahah! Because certainly that's also how you're able to meet your boyfriend, right? So, to reiterate...

  1. What made you first learn the language? Like, what motivated you?

  2. What made you continue pursuing it, going for N2 now?