leader and manager are the most commonly used words in the world of business today

We will talk about leadership versus management well friends the word leader and manager are the most commonly used words in the world of business today and they often used interchangeably but have you ever wondered what these words mean to be a better leader or to have a good managerial job if you have wondered or pondered over these questions we will talk in detail about leadership versus management let's get started today on the agenda we will discuss management versus leadership what exactly is the management and what exactly is leadership difference between both of them what are the core values of a leader and that's something that is the crux of today's program and working and empowering people in terms of how do you work and empower people as a leader of them and the true a sense of leadership.


Believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities to make followers a leader motivates the team members to perform well now a leader is always having a lot of energy and enthusiasm and he's very passionate about what he, does and also he loves to motivate people he loves to show them a direction a leader does not always take the employees along with him to show them away he might only tell them that this is the direction and motivate his people to follow that direction to achieve their goals a leader also motivates the members in case of failure now not necessarily that if only you're performing well a leader is there to motivate you for people who are absolute failures or who do not believe in themselves and are nonperformers a leader can also motivate those people to perform well and to get there to their goals let's understand the basic differences between leaders.


He will not limit himself so he's not fake he's very very original a manager focuses on a lot of systems processes standard operating procedures, the company rules and regulations a manager only focuses on these things whereas a leader, on the other hand, focuses on only one thing and that is the people that he's working with his only focus is on people and he does not, really care about system processes I mean to say of course he does focus on all of these things but not at a macro, level and the other hand he will focus, only on the people and that is something people would love to be you know with a leader because they feel inspired.


Motivated a manager relies on control at times a manager can be dictator you know he could also be like a Hitler getting his work done according to his whims and fancies, on the other hand, a leader inspires the trust he doesn't tell people to do something he will make them so trustworthy that they would want to do that particular task a manager has a short-term view a manager does not think on a long term like a leader who thinks of long-term perspective a manager only thinks on a short-term view he would not go out of his way to do things for a long-term perspective a manager accepts the status.


He communicates talks about the vision to the people he guides the people to work meticulously to achieve meaningful goals as we mentioned before also a leader always makes sure that he takes the people to achieve the goals that they have planned for themselves so he inspires them and motivates them to achieve the goals he has the people believe in their Worth and their capabilities well a lot of times friends what happens is that people lose focus on themselves or they believe in themselves goes down at this point of time a leader motivates his people he makes them believe in their self-confidence and their self-esteem because people might lose their confidence so as a leader.


A leader needs to have is he needs to have a lot of focus on what he wants to do so focus is very important for a good leader well friends these are certain tools which can make a leader empower his people well the true sense of leadership is I'm going to leave you with certain quotes for a leadership a leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved he believes himself he believes in people and goals can be achieved thereafter he inspires the power and the energy to get it done any task needs a lot of motivation a lot of energy and a leader trusts his people on all these lines a leader knows the way goes the way and shows the way a leader will not take somebody by the hand and show them the way he will tell the people that this has to be done and he will show them the way but he will not walk with the people towards getting it done so friends a leader knows the way goes the way and shows the way to his people well that brings us to this beautiful module on.


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