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RE: PlanDemic - Covid 19 -HDS Contest Entry

in HDS5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I was hoping to get some. My sister is a nurse, so i get what you are saying completely. I believe they are helpless frontline footsoldiers. I am extremely thankful for them and all the people that risk their own safety to care for others. That inclusion was just to represent the medical industry in general but also to express their helplessness to do anything other than what the job may require. I personally believe we are all puppets to some degree, just depends on who we call master... or if we even know who pulls our strings. Glad to see you around Doc! Death is up there waiting his turn. =) We need to get the IBT band back together man! hahaha


Be careful how much feedback you ask for. You may end up opening the feedback flood gates. :)
The new IBT is really coming along and you can demo it if you haven't already.
It looks like it is going to be really cool. Not the same as the old one, but cool anyways.
Keep rocking out those drawings my berry dude!

That's true. Plus this artwork covers many controversial topics in visual representation. I have seen some of the dissenting views within the Hive community. I definitely don't want to stir the pot TOO much... but CONSTRUCTIVE cristicism is always welcome! hahahha Wise council is a good way to improve. Yeah, i downloaded the demo in one of it's early iterations.
It was pretty cool and it's come a long way since then. It did have a tab or Old IBT so maybe that will be in the works for the future! =) Glad to see you browski!