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RE: CONTEST WINNERS!!! | Hive Dark Side Community | Contest Week #2

in HDS5 years ago

Dude, this was awesome! I can't believe i won. I thought @josehany had this one! I am going to have to go back and read everybody's stuff now. I am sure they all had some great works too... i was just too busy drawing and Discording to read them. hahaha UFO's invading.... hmmm

 5 years ago  

You stole my prize!!!!!!!!

Hahaha, or should i say Jajajajajaja

 5 years ago  

"Jajajaja" looks better on you ! ;)

Congratulations!!!!! That's awesome.

Thanks! Looking forward to checking yours out here in a bit! =)

Everyone did an incredible job. I had it complicated, so it wasn't just me who chose. This week it will be simpler, so time to work! 👽

It was an awesome contest. I am looking forward to seeing the alien invasions!