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RE: Sunday Hike

in SublimeSundaylast month

¡Exijo ver ese video! 🤣

Mrs Mipiano, tell me why everything in Spain has to be so beautiful?

I will not deny that it looks a little dangerous to walk, but we all assume it when we get into hiking, I think when you come back more prepared you will be better prepared and even show us the video. How nice your Sunday, nature and a nice time with your son, I'm glad you are happy. A mega hug in the distance my friend! ❤️


Not everything in Spain is beautiful - it is just the choice of where to look haha 😜
Well, this hike was nice and you would be mareado from the walk haha.
My son went back to Valencia, he had lessons already today and some last exams, and tomorrow is the last exam from the history of music for this first semester.
Enjoy your hikes this week, if you will go again with your friend 🌲