A sublime Sunday and a beautiful day for grandchildren |

in SublimeSunday3 years ago

Beautiful and sublime Sunday, sponsored @coff33a, #BeatifulSunday, to share a little happiness of this day.


Happiness is in the small details that fill the life of each person and in my case, my grandchildren make me very happy; I will share some pictures of how they have grown, starting with my granddaughter who is the oldest and already tells me stories every time she calls me, and tells me grandma I love you, today specifically she called me and told me she was going for a walk, she is a loving and very jovial girl.




My second grandson is my little Alex, he is already two years old, he is learning to speak and although he is not very understandable, every time he speaks it is a murmur of words that I compare to a beautiful and beautiful fountain.

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The grandchildren are the crown of the grandparents according to the Holy Scriptures, because it is the sweetness, the delicacy that we grandparents enjoy since we have the experience and we have the time and the inexhaustible spring of tenderness to give to our grandchildren accompanied by the experiences that we offer them in each stage of their lives.

How can it not be a beautiful Sunday if it is impregnated with details that make my life and that of many grandparents the most beautiful life.




Thank you for joining me here on this wonderful day.

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