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RE: 🙌🏽Sublime Sunday🙌🏽 by @c0ff33a - Travel Diaries - Sunset by the Lake Side

in SublimeSunday4 years ago

There are no shortcuts is all I can say.Hello @ogeewitty, thank you for visiting my post. I have been here on this platform for last 4+ years and tips I can give you for better engagement is that very important first you need to do a good level of engagement with other members on Hive. Consistency is another important thing. If you make once in a way appearance it will be difficult to get involvement from others. You should join communities of your interest, because thats where you meet like minded people and increase your engagement. I have not seen anyone fail with following thesw things, ofcourse needless to say, original good content everyone wants to see that. There are many communitues like @ocd who encourage new comers and support and appreciate good content, provided you also get engaged there.


Thanks a lot for volunteering good counsel. Wow that's some time in Hive. Great,kudos.

My style by nature is to consistently engage with folks,but a certain element called "resource credit" kept rebuffing my attempts to converse freely. It keeps saying I don't have sufficient resource credit. I have never seen a thing like that before!

You may check out my posts and notice I am fairly consistent,but I would have done much more(including activities on the posts of others) if I hadn't been held back by the resource thing. Lately I notice that I have more allocation of resource credits(perhaps a reward for my activities) which is the reason I can talk a little more freely right now. I hate to be held back.

I'm sure I have loads of patience,only I define patience as steady application in the right areas whilst I await the big picture. I don't mind "ocd" because they are always on my tag list.
Thanks again @nainaztengra