These are some passion fruit seedlings that I gave to my neighbour yesterday.
I took the picture because at the time I was with my camera trying to photograph things in that beautiful light. But it looks like the camera is dead now.... it doesn't focus at all. This and a few other pictures I took are maybe the last ones the Panasonic Lumix took.
RIP. 👋
It lived a good life, and gave me great joy. I will be forever grateful to it.
I have tried, with the raw file of this photograph, to see on this page how many shots the camera has and it doesn't work.
The raw file of this image has the number... see for yourself.

Is that a million? Help me because I don't know about numbers.
Well I don't doubt that this camera has shot more than a million times since 2008 that I own it. Actually now I have a bit of a mental block and I don't remember very well or my mind is getting foggy or my eyes... I don't know... hahaha, yeah, I'll stop the drama, but I think it was around that date.

The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom I use does not show this data either. Anyway, as I'm very curious, I'll ask a photographer friend of mine who lives nearby (pumarte). Maybe in his Photoshop program we can see the number of shots.
A sublime Sunday when something dies, and a passion fruit plant is still alive 24 hours after transplanting.
But the sun always rises and there will always be solutions... ;)
These sunflowers are from my neighbour's garden.
Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2025.
Beautiful sunflower!!
The other day I read that the plant only produces one sunflower, so they are unique (but I’m not sure if that’s true). Anyway, those will stay in Hive forever.
It’s a shame about the Lumix, but since 2008, it has been many years; it was a good companion. I hope there will be a replacement soon so we can continue enjoying your art 🤗
Sunflowers are among my top 10 favourite flowers.
Ya veré qué se hace con este tema. 🙂 Gracias y abrazo de vuelta.
Disculpa, sí... Solo produce una sola flor, pero esa flor tiene muchas muchas semillas. 🤷🏻
Nice tribute to a good friend. I have not seen the million pictures taken by the Panasonic Lumix.. But I am also grateful for the ones you ask to enjoy.
The neighbor's sunflowers really look handsome.
Big greetings @nanixxx.
I don't think there were that many... but still, a photographer can shoot 200 times and get only 4 quality photos. Hahaha... 🤐
Thank you!
That comforts me, my thousand photos for a mediocre photo is not that many shots. 🤣
No te digas esas cosas. 😂 Tus fotos son excelentes.
A mí esta situación no me ha afectado en nada. Estoy agradecida y hasta contenta con la despedida de mi amiga. Es que hace rato yo estaba esperando este momento. Nunca hice un plan. Solo voy actuando enfocada y centrada en el presente. Y te diría que hasta me siento feliz porque ahora tengo que hacer algo o no hacer nada y esperar... no sé, ya lo descubriré... o reinventarme. O cambiar de rumbo. No sé 🤷🏻 algo se me ocurrirá en estos días. Solo esperaré que las respuestas lleguen a mí. Si me ha pasado de todo en dos años... De todo en todos los sentidos. Y sin embargo, siento que crecí, que aprendí mucho y evolucioné.
Buenos días @nanixxx. Te diré (ahora voy, que esto es una frase hecha)... Que me ha gustado mucho leer este mensaje. Y más que nada, esto:
Te deseo un gran día. Las respuestas que falten ya llegarán.
buenos días!!👋
Deseo estés bien y encuentres una nueva cámara para acompañarte en tus aventuras! lindo día!
Gracias 😀, sí estoy bien. Un abrazo.
Rest in peace, pobre Panasonic. I'm excited to see what your new camera will be.
That answer is inside an 🍨😂.
Ooooo ok ya lo voy a buscar
The camera fulfilled its destiny in a thousand ways. Its lifespan was quite good, and the hands that cared for and used it were precious.
The sunflowers facing the sun, always happy and warm...with that feeling of security when you're there.
A great week to you @nanixxx.
I'm back.
Hahaha ... Welcome back.
Impermanence is something that exists and is necessary for us to understand important things in life.
As always, you're right.
I'm flying off to work... I love you su much , and thank you for being there.
I keep seeing beautiful pictures... did he really die? I don't know much about cameras... well nothing I would say because I keep seeing great pictures!
She gave me wonders and beautiful moments until the last second of her life. It's another great learning experience. She didn't mind looking the way she looked: she had lost pieces, parts, she had started to grow an infection in her eyes (lenses), she had blocked buttons, useless, and yet yesterday she took these lovely pictures.
And it will keep taking them for a while more.... how much does it cost to buy such a camera nowadays? and there?
I don't want to think about it now, but money is not an issue. Don't worry, I'm not worried.
De acuerdo... no me preocupo...
Te mando un fuerte abrazo. ¡Y buenos días! Que tengas una gran semana.
Igual vos, vamos para adelante!!!