For this week's #sublimesunday, as inspired by @c0ff33a, we headed back to the top of the bluff to visit the abandoned quarry. The intent was all well and good, but once we started the hike, the weather turned south in a hurry.
A cold rain and strong northern wind let us get a little bit of a walk in, but not prepared for this type of weather in May, we turned around once we managed to make it to the rim of the area.
Spring simply can't quite make it here. It's been cold, cloudy, and sunless forever. Today was just another example of how uncomfortable it can be outside. Still, we brought our foraging bag for "cool stuff", and found a few pine cones to add to the collection.
I was hoping for a few early flowers to photograph, but most have not started to bloom. This area is rich with prairie flowers when late spring and summer finally arrives, but no luck today. I did manage to find a little bit of life to photograph, however, as we booked it back to the vehicle. Nothing overly exciting but still...there is hope!
Not quite the adventure we planned for a Mother's Day hike, but we did make the best of it. No matter the weather, we still had fun together as we complained about the rain and wind. Everyone except our daughter of course...she wanted to keep the party going.
That's it for this weekend's #sublimesunday share. Thanks for reading and I do hope everyone had a wonderful weekend too!