Random Floral Photos for Sublime Sunday - by Sunscape

in SublimeSunday24 days ago


On this first Sunday of the New Year, it is blistering cold outside with the North wind coming off Lake Ontario. We have a few inches of snow and expect much more this week.

Seed catalogs have been arriving this past month and I am looking for some new flowers to grow this spring. That made me wish for warm, sunny days to sit on the porch enjoying the butterfly garden. I plant lots of zinnia and high-nectar flowers for the bees, birds, and butterflies.


I put together these two collages of some of last year's flowers from the garden. I hope that they brighten up your day.



Do you have flower gardens, if so, what are your favorite ones to grow? I love them all and have a tough time picking a favorite since they are all so beautiful in their own right. Nature is amazing and I'm so thankful I get to enjoy so many flowers in my own yard.

Have a wonderful week ahead and stay warm or cool wherever you are. I'm staying warm for sure! ♥

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


Beautiful flowers😍

Thank you, Denisse. ♥

You are welcome 🥰❤️

Lovely spring flowers! Looking forward to seeing your garden in spring!

Thank you, I am missing being in the gardens It is snowing right now outside.

Oh, sooo lovely!

I'd have to say hollyhocks, even though I have to deal with rust each year. Not sure why, but have loved them since early childhood...

I like Hollyhocks too, but I also got the rust and have found that aphids like them, so nope for me. :-(

These are all very colourful flowers and I'm sure those "little ones" would really love them.