50 steps around - a brand new start

in SublimeSunday2 years ago

This has been a very long, busy, awesome week! Lots of work happening to the new studio and our brand new start in the small town we just moved in. It's been a week already, yet hard to realize the change.

We rented a small old shop that we dream it will become a weaving - candle making - photography studio and many more things as we have too many interests :)

Although it's Sunday, we did some work and it turned out to be a very productive day. I was in a pretty good mood and I had the idea of introducing you to the place, so I took the camera with me outside at the break of painting the bathroom walls and decided to walk no more than 50 steps around to show you the new neighborhood.


The studio is attached to a pedestrian, favorite of the locals and visitor's for a walk, especially on Sunday. I tried not to include many people in the photos. We were noticing with @fotostef that this is so weird as during the last years we could hardly find any people to photograph even if we wanted to at the place that we used to live :)

I said new neighborhood, but to be absolutely honest, the neighborhood is not exactly new to me. The studio is in the wider neighborhood I was born and grew up which is pretty weird and nice at the same time. There is a memory for everything, but I am definitely a whole different person and not that little girl anymore. I had a happy carefree life as a kid, carefreeness is what I miss.



The building at the photo below was my dance school :) I've had so much laugh and fun in this place!


We are under the castle of Palamidi and it makes my day every time I look out of the window!

It feels good and balancing to be close to trees while being in the center of the city. Difficult to avoid people or cars, but looking at the trees is calming. Hopefully we will find a piece of land close by and then the whole project will be really close to the dream.


While most people were enjoying their coffee this morning, we were planning and working on the new chapter.


I love the photo @fotostef captured as I was daydreaming :)


And after all that, we had a coffee too with some old friends of mine from school. Is this me traveling in time or creating something new? Right now, it is something in between! Just wanted to share these thoughts...

This is my contribution to #SublimeSunday by @c0ff33a and #beautifulsunday by @ace108.

I hope you all have a nice day!

All the pictures (apart from the last one that was taken by my personal paparazzi) and the words are mine.

If you would like to know more about me this is my introduction post.


Congratulations on the new chapter of your lives. I hope you both will have an amazing journey ahead. It is already looking promising. Can't wait to see the final look of the shop once the setup is done. Have fun and enjoy @traisto and @fotostef

Thank you so much! I really hope it will work well, trying not miss the fun part as we work on renovating the new place. Chaotic period, but very refreshing :)
Can't wait for the final look as well :))

Yes, there are pros and cons to moving close to where you grew up, in that you can evaluate just how much you've changed.
The area looks wonderful, and I believe that you'll get used to seeing many people about, it pretty soon.
Your new projects are intriguing, and I'm looking forward to reading about them:)))Congrats on your new move @traisto. Moving is never an easy feat, but you two seem to be taking it in strides.

Intriguing, refreshing, although demanding and stressful as well. But that's the beauty! I have promised myself not to be afraid of changes and whenever I feel it's time for me to move on, to do it, even if it seems insane :) It always feels crazy before you take that leap of faith, haha!
As for people, oh that's hard! I love people, but I had forgotten how it is to be amongst so many :) Trees and flowers are definitely easier to be around!
Thanks for all the support!Thank you so much @millycf1976!

I'm so excited for you. It definitely feels the right move and that photo of you daydreaming shows your happiness too. HOpefully you'll find some land soon.

Thanks so much @riverflows! So interesting that it feels the right move to you as well! Definitely feels right to us, I hope it will work well! With a piece of land close by, I will be the happiest person in the world (till I find sth else to desire too, you know how this works, haha!). You will be the first one to know in HiveGarden :))

Good luck with the new business

Thanks so much @ace108!

You're welcome