
It's located in Fresno - and there is this BEAUTIFUL place to walk! seriously its so lovely!!!! I'm so tempted to go there today!!!

i wonder if my daughter wants to go on an adventure with me hahahahahaha

HI KAT!!!!!!!!

so good to see you here!!! hahahahaha
you should TOTALLY cross post your Medium posts here and start making MORE crypto! hehehe

You're already getting Dreem tokens - but you should grab some HIVE tokens too! hehehe

Doesn't hurt to write once, and collect three times! hahaha if you do crosspost here .. just don't forget to write at the bottom that it was first posted elsewhere and leave the link! :) but then tag me in the comment section so I can be sure to read it here !!! <3

Hi Lily!

I have been in learning mode, but I think I’m ready to make my first post. Your fun challenges offer a great place to start. Thanks so much for your help, encouragement, and inspiration!