Pretty in Pink🌸

in PhotoFeed • 2 months ago (edited)

Pretty in Pink🌸
🌸01 Sept 2024

Last spring when the world started waking up from its chilly winter nap, I had the joy of witnessing this tree in my backyard showing off its little pink blossoms opening up and decorating an otherwise naked tree. Delicate bursts of colour that appeared nearly overnight. 🌸



Each pink burst felt like a promise of better, warmer, brighter and happier days ahead. As if even the bare trees were beginning to celebrate the cold winter days being left behind us. Like nature itself was throwing us natural confetti at this joyous moment🌸




Here in South Africa, Spring bursts forth around September, this is when all the colourful blossom flowers begin to decorate the trees. Whenever I see these delicate pink petals begin to open thoughtcrimes, my mind always thinks of valentines day or rather love... like the pink flowers are celebrating love and it would feel more appropriate for them to come into bloom around valentines day in February.
Irregardless of the timing, blossoms in bloom is my favourite time of the year, so these may be from a few months ago but I still want to celebrate their beauty!🌸


🌸Have a beautiful January everyone!

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All photographs are copyrighted to the author
~ AJ Champz

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