Hi! Everyone I hope everything is fine, good, fantastic, etc.
So let's start today's topic
Ep # 13 By @arslanmughal I hope you like my work 😊👌
My New Motorcycle & A Journey of Passion, Adventure, and Personal Connection's Story
I'm so happy because I bought a new motorcycle
I want to tell you that I bought this bike with a lot of difficulties😥
One day, I finally got this and I can't tell you how happy I am😊🥀
Believe me whenever I saw a bike with someone I wanted to buy that bike😐
Because I had an old bike and its condition was very bad and it had broken in many places Moreover, it also supported me a lot so I will always be grateful for that bike😊😊😊
But now is a moment of joy I said that I should share my moment of happiness with my hive and all community family❣❣❣
I am thankful to God that he fulfilled my wishes
If I talk about my bike it's a 2024 model Honda and the first bike I had was a 2014 model Janan bike
This is my second bike a Honda 2024
bike model
Honda CD 70 2024 Model
picture click
I Phone 7
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