Haha well, when I turned 18 and finished school I went with a couple of friends for a 9 month surf trip to Australia (incl. freaking farm work obv :D). We ended up buying an old ass Pajero driving up the east cost and made a stop to Fraser Island. Not knowing anything we managed to overhead our engine and thought its a good idea to pour all our drinking water (it had like 40C at that time) into the "water tank" around the engine block. Obv the car didn't run after that and we were like really deep into the forest where really no person would ever cross us. Long story short - Our only choice was walking around the island and looking for help (had also a nice meetup with a freaking big snake on our way) but we dehydrated pretty quickly. Being young and insanely stupid we managed to find a "water source" which was at least running but considering the color we should have known that its not drinkable at all :D - So somehow only me ended up with a complete poisoned body and had a bunch of fun days throwing up the living hell of my body (Took us another day to finally arrive in Rainbow beach I think). Thats the story :D
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Haha that’s crazy! Thanks for sharing!