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RE: Left or right - which Swan is fake?

in PhotoFeed2 years ago

I don’t know which one is fake, Hannes. Maybe the direction of the shadow gives a clue…I still can’t pick out the fake one.Lol.

The swan is such a beautiful bird and adds a lovely touch to the sunset photo. I can see why you enjoy walks to the reservoir. 🦢

Have a great Thor’s Day and coming weekend, dear Hannes. 🤗


Hi Jo,

the right photo is the real one, but the left one looks much more pleasing (to me) because the swan is swimming from left to right, just as we read from left to right. All I have done it to cut out the swan and mirror him to the left side ... and a little bit of editing that no one would notice the fake 😉

This place is well visited, but not on the side of the reservoir where I usually walk - this is also a reason why I love it because I'm mostly alone 😁

Thank you so very much for everything, dear Jo, wishing you also a wonderful weekend 🤗🌞