
in PhotoFeed4 years ago

So the below photos are taken from the nearest village to me that has somewhere to eat and drink.

The village is called Galera and is the North East of the province of Granada here in Spain.

The traditional house here are actually cave houses as in we live in caves that have all mod cons.

The history of this village is that the very first populations of Europe was found in this village and nearby Orce.

The first is straight photo from phone, the second with some filters and layers. Feedback welcome.

Thanks for reading and viewing..




What a unique place full of so much character and personality. :) Also, that's some really interesting history as well! What a cool place you live! I would love to live in a cave! Maybe one day. :D

Looking forward to your visit!

Apparently the whole area has just been diagnosed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The higher plain of Granada. I can say it in Spanish though spelling is somewhat difficult.

It is truly outstanding and am planning on visiting the highest view point soon to capture the Sunrise.

We are surrounded by mountains and in the winter all snowcapped, in the summer we have mini tornados, one of which the other week smashed someone's garden up. An interesting place