Hope you're all well and having a great day. By the Grace of God I'm also fine. Today I'm back with some macro shots of a gorgeous insect called weevil. Curculionoidea is its scientific name. Its size was about 6mm.
I discovered it in fields sitting on top of a herb. Its hard to notice it due to its camouflage skin. When i saw it i decided to photograph it. As weevils are one of my favourite insects to shoot. I saw them in many colours and shapes. They have beautiful snout and colour. I approached it carefully and tried to take some shot. But it was shy and afraid of me and ran to hide. But i tore the branch of the herb and then captured it easily. I managed to get some decent shots of it from different angles.
I used my mobile's macro lens to photograph it.
After clicking it i did some editing to its pictures to make them more attractive. It looks beautiful in macro images. Now I'm going to share its pictures with you guys. Hope you like it...
Wow,,, its cool,,, 👍👍👍