Concurso PhotoFeed - Fotografía de paisajes Ronda 92

in PhotoFeed4 months ago

Saludos amigos amantes de la fotografia, de apreciar bellos momentos, lugares y mas a traves de la lente de una camara fotografica, que aunque hay celulares con buenas camaras, yo prefiero usar mi camara fotografica.

En mi ciudad natal, Ciudad Bolivar, en Venezuela, se celebra desde hace algunos años una linda actividad como lo es el del cruce a nado del Rio Orinoco, nuestro rio principal de aguas profundas y fuertes corrientes.


En la misma participan niños, jovenes, adultos y tambien de la tercera edad, de ambos generos, vienen nadadores de diferentes ciudades del pais, ya es como una competencia nacional, en mi ciudad no tiene mucho tiempo, pero en Puerto Ordaz tambien en el mismo estado Bolivar si lleva mas años realizandola.


La misma se realiza en el mes de marzo aqui, porque el rio esta bajo, el cual hace posible que bajemos hasta casi cerca de la orilla, porque donde ven tierra, arena en epoca de invierno como en agosto todo eso lo cubre el rio en su crecida.


Ademas de venir a ver la actividad me encanta apreciar la belleza del lugar, el rio, el cielo, el Puente Angostura en la primera foto, es una verdadera maravilla natural combinada con la mano del hombre.

Todas las fotos las tome con mi camara Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX200V 18.2 MP Exmor

Traduccion con la app DeepL.


Greetings friends who love photography, to appreciate beautiful moments, places and more through the lens of a camera, although there are cell phones with good cameras, I prefer to use my camera.

In my hometown, Ciudad Bolivar, in Venezuela, we have been celebrating for some years a beautiful activity such as the swimming crossing of the Orinoco River, our main river of deep waters and strong currents.


In the same participate children, young people, adults and also the elderly, of both genders, swimmers come from different cities of the country, it is already like a national competition, in my city it does not have much time, but in Puerto Ordaz also in the same state Bolivar if it takes more years making it.


The same is done in the month of March here, because the river is low, which makes it possible to go down to almost near the shore, because where they see land, sand in winter time as in August all that covers the river in its flood.


Besides coming to see the activity I love to appreciate the beauty of the place, the river, the sky, the Angostura Bridge in the first picture, it is a true natural wonder combined with the hand of man.

All photos were taken with my Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX200V 18.2 MP Exmor camera.

Translation with the app DeepL.

Firma General..png


Wow that event looks like a real endurance show. Thanks for sharing such a nice local event through different angles. It looks really sincere...

Hi, yes it is, that's what it's all about, it's more about open water, in one part they go with the current but then it's against the current making it more forced, of course the distance according to the ages, some are longer than the others.

Thanks for reading.