Soy de Venezuela y en mi pais este animal se le conoce como IGUANA, de la familia de los reptiles. Aunque no lo crean, ya que muchos creen que solo las culebras son reptiles.
Las iguanas son habiles para correr muy rapidas y trepadoras de arboles increibles, gracias a sus garras en las patas, tambien nada y parecieran hasta volar de arbol a arbol.
Su color verde le sirve como de camuflaje en la hierba y en los arboles, son herviboras. Su piel es dura y de textura aspera.
Esta iguana llego un dia al fundo, parecia estar como asustada, pero me dio tiempo de buscar mi camara y con el zoom poder tomarle las fotos. Porque si me acerco se va.
Fotos tomadas con mi camara Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX200V 18.2 MP Exmor
Traduccion con DeepL.
English Version
I am from Venezuela and in my country this animal is known as IGUANA, from the reptile family. Although they do not believe it, since many believe that only snakes are reptiles.
Iguanas are very fast runners and incredible tree climbers, thanks to their claws on their legs, they also swim and seem to fly from tree to tree.
Their green color serves as camouflage in the grass and trees, they are herbivores. Their skin is hard and rough in texture.
This iguana arrived one day at the farm, it seemed to be scared, but I had time to get my camera and with the zoom to take pictures of it. Because if I get too close it leaves.
Photos taken with my Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX200V 18.2 MP Exmor camera.
Translation with DeepL.