Check out this previous About Us article to know a bit more.
About the Executive Board founding and its role
As you know, this club was founded as a democratic entity, where each of the members has a voice and vote in practically all aspects of the club and its operation: from exercising their vote according to their individual criteria to accepting or not some of the applicants to new members, to propose new suggestions for operation or improvements to the club or ideas for new contests, to name a few.
The idea of this club has always been to be as decentralized as possible in its operation and to promote mutual collaboration among its members, within the club, as well as with the rest of the community outside of it.
The reality is that, although any member of the club has and will always continue to have access to the various voting channels or the suggestion box, few members have exercised their right to contribute to the decentralized management of the project during these years.
That is why, so that the club was not adrift, both in important and trivial decisions to be made, the main old founding members of this project (who until then tried not to get too involved in the operation of the club to make way to the rest of the members), decided to take the reins of the club to ensure a minimum standard of operation.
Since then, most of the important things continue to be consulted with the rest of the members and votes continue to be opened but, in the event of no participation or sufficient consensus on the part of the rest of the club members, the Executive Board can always end up making a decision.
Introducing the core of the Executive Board
Margarita Palomino aka Marpa
- Marine Biology Degree.
- Social Management Specialist.
- She has worked with the Colombia Marina foundation in the conservation of sea turtles in the Colombian Caribbean.
- She has worked as an independent professional doing fauna samplings for different entities in Colombia.
- Actively linked to foundations for the protection and sterilization of animals and for the conservation of the environment.
- She runs her own homemade cookie and dessert business.
- Fable and short story writer and specialist in bringing them to life with the Stop Motion technique.
Juan Carlos aka Juancar347
- An accomplished writer with more than a dozen blogs and a contributor to literary and cultural magazines of his country.
- Photographer and Art lover, specialized in Romanesque and Gothic styles.
- Tireless traveler through remote and unknown places of a Spain with a lot of hidden history.
- He has a YouTube channel with more than 500 videos related to his adventures investigating these remote places.
- He refers that his current level of studies and job position is not made public.
Javier G. Alcaraván aka Iaberius
- Hispanic Philology Degree.
- He has worked as a researcher in the National Historical Archive among books over five hundred years old, finding officially, the trail of witches in Spain.
- Co-author of the book Daimiel, pueblo de brujas.
- He has worked, for ten years, for an art reproduction and visual communication company.
- He runs his own business, offering graphic and linguistic services: he makes his writing, proofreading and design skills available to his clients, as well as his extensive knowledge of Literature, History and Art.
- Owner of some blogs of a literary and cultural rigor level only achievable to few humans.
Marlyn Cabrera Goitía aka Marlyncabrera
- Cosmiatry Degree.
- English teacher at the University.
- Postgraduated courses in the areas of Education, English teaching, Writing, and Literature.
- She is working in a private dermatological laboratory.
- She treasures poetry reading and writing, mostly sonnets in all their forms.
- Devoted to Mother Earth.
Jorge aka Torkot
- Psychology Degree.
- Seasoned writer on curious topics related to History, Science or Art.
- Passionate about photography, music and his dog Moka.
- He began his journey in the crypto world back in 2015.
- He refers that his current job position is not made public.
Salvador aka Salvao
- Dramatic Art Degree.
- Early Childhood Education Bachelor Degree.
- Textual Interpretation Specialist.
- More than a decade performing in the theaters of his country.
- Writer, passionate about poetry and photography.
- He cultivates his own ecological plot in his retirement place, with his wife and son.
- Trader and proud BTC holder.
Miguel A. Cabanes aka Dresden
- General Certificate of Education and University Entrance Exams.
- Vocational Education and Training in Telecommunications.
- Occupational Risk Prevention and Basic Life Support courses.
- Basic Course in Emergencies.
- Advanced Diver + Nitrox Level 2 Specialty courses.
- Afghanistan war veteran.
- Security Guard and Shooting Guard courses.
- He has worked, for six years, in the Military Emergency and Urban Search and Rescue Unit, the best and most demanding military unit in his country.
- More than twelve years of service in the Army.
- Writer with a literary award won in an official national competition, with a poetic prose addressed to Mother Nature.
- He had the opportunity to talk about Hive, blockchains and cryptocurrencies on a local radio.
- He has volunteered in animal shelters.
- Semi-professional investor and trader, he offers his services to people without knowledge in the sector so that they learn to invest safely and with a greater probability of positive profitability.
- Creator of The Talent Club project.
Latest incorporations to the Executive Board
Camilo Ferrúa aka Camiloferrua
- He studied Graphic Arts at a Technical School of Visual Arts.
- He studied Audiovisual Production at a School of Audiovisual Production.
- He works as graphic designer, photographer and professional visual communicator with more than ten years of experience working with public and private institutions.
- Drummer musician in two bands belonging to the National System of Orchestras.
- Founder and director of the Venezuela Drummers Foundation.
- Founder of a specialized notebooks for musical writing project.
- Founder of a sound and backline service project.
- Founder and Director of the Celfmagazine digital magazine.
- Currently working on his thesis to obtain a Bachelor of Music with a mention in Jazz Drums.
Timothy Mack aka Jacuzzi
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Computer Animation.
- Concept artist and 3D Modeler.
- Drawing and Printmaking courses.
- Founder and Director of a circus company.
- He has worked as Manager of a circus school.
- He has worked as Assistant Manager with Show Time Pictures operations.
- He has worked as Adjunct Professor of Visual Effects.
- He has worked as English teacher.
- He has worked as Martial art teacher (First Dan/Shodan level).
- World traveler and photographer.
Future vision for the Executive Board
As you can see, we have been expanding our Executive Board, basing our selection on the same criteria of higher participation rate in the club and commitment to it.
Our long-term vision for the future is to try to make other heads of projects or communities of the Hive platform, part of the board and thus the rest of the community also participate in the management of the club, direction and good work of the club on the platform, through that representation of community leaders.
That is the idea, which also goes with the future steps that the club is going to take and those that we are already working on, to become not only a reference at the platform level but also outside it, being a banner of the benefits of this blockchain to the outside world.
We will talk more about the future of the club and its upgrade in an article we are already working on, in which we will present, among other things, a well-defined roadmap of the club.
Also to mention that belonging to the board of the club will begin to be remunerated with a monthly symbolic extra payment, starting next month.
Visit the different channels of our Discord server to know more about us.
It's an honor to be part of this Board and this Club. Great souls. Thank you, @dresden & @talentclub. Being here is a multicolored and beautiful experience. Every person helps you grow. We're growing up together :)
Always a pleasure for us to integrate such a talented person like you into this club.
This project is great thanks to people like you, Marlyn!
Thank you so much, my beloved @talentclub :)
Excelente resumen informativo para nuestro club y toda la comunidad de Hive, y también para nosotros, para conocernos mejor y mostrar la transparencia que caracteriza nuestro club. ¡Brindo por esto!
Thanks, Camilo!
Cheers for that!
Ha sido un honor para mí ser parte de @talentclub y de la "Executive Board", donde compartir con tanta gente talentosa, me ha dejado enseñanzas y muy buenos amigos. Cada uno tiene su esencia, su fuerza, su habilidad, somos un grupo con de todo un poco, pero sobre todo, con calidad humana y con ganas de aportar para seguir creciendo en Hive y entregando lo mejor a todos los miembros de Talentclub.
Los perfiles de cada uno, son increíbles, uno los lee y piensa, ¿yo que hago aquí? Je je, son grandes y me siento honrada por hacer parte de esto 🤭
The honor is ours!
Your resume is amazing, don't be modest! 😁😝
Un placer formar parte de este Club y de su Junta Directiva, donde, como bien dice nuestra querida @marpa, lo principal son las personas que nos acompañan. Creciendo juntos.
That's it, daddy!
Growing Up Together!
Me parece una buena decisión la conformación de una junta directiva de @talentclub, pues siempre será necesario un nivel mínimo de dirección en todas la iniciativas, por más descentralizadas y democráticas que sean. Además, quedó conformada por figuras de primera línea, muy calificada, a quienes conozco en su mayoría, al menos de trato. ¡Adelante!Saludos.
Thanks for your kind words and trust on us!
Me da "flojera" usar el traductor, así que solo me queda salir a todo el team. Hello a todos! o/
"Hola" over there! 😝
Hey, you're improving a lot your digital drawing. We're really happy to witness that progress.
¡Haré mi mejor esfuerzo! Por favor, cuiden de mí.