I personally think privacy is an illusion and comes from the humans off loading their waste in a sanitary way.
I would rather transactions be completely transparent on the blockchain. The issue is the duality and corruption is only amplified by the people at the very top. What isn't stopping our government using these very techniques? Which they probably are.
I can go on further but I am not sure where privacy was a thing in comparative to our unalienable rights...
HTTP is in use instead of HTTPS and no protocol redirection is in place. Be careful and do not enter sensitive information in that website as your data won't be encrypted.
It's also a good habit to always hover links before clicking them in order to see the actual link in the bottom-left corner of your browser.
So then you repost the link? I put up a safe Wikipedia link for ya
Lol try to click it then 😁
!gif wat
I hold privacy akin to those inalienable rights.
We should not have to prove anything to our peers, that is not a free market, that is a market that can be socially engineering for profits on cheap quality goods. When you know how much capital is in the economy, you can formulate the quality vs quantity argument for your minimum viable product, and essentially rip people off to satisfy trends you know that partake in because you know where and what they spend money on.
Or just have the ability to defend your Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness by any means necessary. Tons of privacy if you can manage that.
Otherwise, digressing to them Star spangled banner helps.
Just my take on it.
America was exclusively for the early adopters who could aquire land, run buisnesses and employ people.
No unalienable rights if you cant afford a non state sponsored lawyer.
In Florida they have this cool kind of Castle Law, you can pretty much shoot them dead for trespassing alone, don't really have to prove they came for any particular reason, just it can not be planned obviously.
Exactly. Kind of same deal in Vegas but not really. Its usually goes to jury trial and the jury's typically rule in favor of the property owner. It gets messy if they survive🤔🤨 Gotta love litigation.
"Dead men tell no tales." - a lawyer speaking in regards to knowing who is assaulting you.
In Canada, if a pathological liar is assaulting you, you are much better off defending against 2nd degree murder, with a VERY LOW conviction rate, than the VERY HIGH chance Canadians will find you guilty of aggravated assault for protecting yourself.
If there is 1 dishonest nerve in the tongue of the person who is harming you, kill them in Canada...
Oh yeah its relative. Still yet, Nevada's populace is changing and that wont the case after a while. It is different state to state.
I don't agree with proving intent, I should be God on my property and anyone is below me.