macrophotography|father pucung red

in INDONESIAN HIVE2 years ago


yesterday I went to the garden to look for photos of animals or photos of insect-type animals, I went there myself and when I went to the garden close to my house I looked around and scattered to the garden and there I found an insect-type animal, namely Mr. Pucung in red, I I want to take a photo using a macro lens, when I take the photo he moves because he is afraid but I can take pictures of some of the Pucung fathers.

usually Mr. Pucung comes from abroad and now there are all over where there are wood trees or cotton trees there are Mr. pucung, Hive's friends.







macrophotographyfather pucung red
CameraVivo y20

All creatures big🐘 and small.🐹

true friend, thank you very much for your support

the insect insect is so beautiful, wearing a red shirt

he..he...well thanks for the compliment

 2 years ago  

Wah gambar yang sangat jelas dan bagus.bapak puncung kalau di tempat saya namanya kameng jruen.

Terimakasih banyak atas informasinya dengan nama kameng jreun