Dear Hiver,
Is there a connection between technology and the development of children today? That the order and habits of modern human existence have altered as a result of the transformation of technology, which is advancing at a breakneck pace, is something that we can witness for ourselves, and this applies to people of all ages in general. Interest in outdoor activities is something that we seldom see nowadays, which contrasts with the way people lived in the 1980s and 1990s, when outdoor activities were highly common, especially among children, during that time period.
Adakah hubungan antara teknologi dengan perkembangan anak saat ini? Bahwa tatanan dan kebiasaan keberadaan manusia modern telah berubah sebagai akibat dari transformasi teknologi, yang maju dengan kecepatan yang sangat tinggi, adalah sesuatu yang dapat kita saksikan sendiri, dan ini berlaku untuk orang-orang dari segala usia pada umumnya. Ketertarikan pada kegiatan di luar ruangan adalah sesuatu yang jarang kita lihat saat ini, yang kontras dengan cara hidup orang di tahun 1980-an dan 1990-an, ketika kegiatan di luar ruangan sangat umum, terutama di kalangan anak-anak, selama periode waktu itu.
I went for a walk through the residential area in my neighborhood and saw how the youngsters spend their spare time playing ball in the unoccupied ground near the reservoir region; they appeared to be having a good time and were enthusiastic about playing football. This appears to be a pretty natural and entertaining game to play when done with a group of friends. outdoor activities have been observed because they are extremely beneficial for children in terms of supporting their growth and development, particularly in terms of motor skills, which determine children's independence in socializing and gaining positive experiences while participating in outdoor activities.
Saya berjalan-jalan melewati area pemukiman di lingkungan saya dan melihat bagaimana anak-anak muda menghabiskan waktu luang mereka bermain bola di tanah kosong di dekat daerah waduk; mereka tampak bersenang-senang dan antusias bermain sepak bola. Tampaknya ini adalah permainan yang cukup alami dan menghibur untuk dimainkan saat dilakukan bersama sekelompok teman. Kegiatan di luar ruangan diamati karena sangat bermanfaat bagi anak dalam mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya, terutama dalam hal keterampilan motorik, yang menentukan kemandirian anak dalam bersosialisasi dan mendapatkan pengalaman positif selama mengikuti kegiatan di luar ruangan.
However, the necessity for technology has really become something that cannot be ignored; technology is a tool that allows everyone to progress in a more sophisticated path, but every change will have an influence on one's way of life. Since the Covid 19 outbreak, everyone has become reliant on technology, particularly the internet and multimedia. This is one of the positive effects of technology, as it can reduce the number of virus transmissions by reducing the number of large groups of people, particularly in schools or public places of service, among other things. For example, government agencies and the commercial sector are examples.
Namun, kebutuhan akan teknologi benar-benar menjadi sesuatu yang tidak bisa diabaikan; teknologi adalah alat yang memungkinkan setiap orang untuk maju di jalur yang lebih canggih, tetapi setiap perubahan akan memiliki pengaruh pada cara hidup seseorang. Sejak wabah Covid 19, semua orang menjadi bergantung pada teknologi, khususnya internet dan multimedia. Ini adalah salah satu dampak positif dari teknologi, antara lain dapat mengurangi jumlah penularan virus dengan mengurangi jumlah kelompok besar, terutama di sekolah atau tempat pelayanan umum. Misalnya, instansi pemerintah dan sektor komersial .
Therefore, a delicate balance must be struck between technological progress and individual control over technology. For children, however, dependence on technological equipment such as cell phones for purposes other than learning must be the concern of every parent, who must ensure that each child is directed appropriately and provides time for outdoor activities so that children can interact with the real social world rather than through equipment connected to social media.
Karena itu, keseimbangan halus harus dicapai antara kemajuan teknologi dan kontrol individu atas teknologi. Namun bagi anak, ketergantungan pada peralatan teknologi seperti telepon seluler untuk keperluan selain belajar harus menjadi perhatian setiap orang tua, yang harus memastikan bahwa setiap anak diarahkan dengan tepat dan menyediakan waktu untuk kegiatan di luar ruangan sehingga anak dapat berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sosial yang sebenarnya. dunia daripada melalui peralatan yang terhubung ke media sosial.
putting all into balance is a bad difficult now, because now most of the parents don't want their kids to come back home dirty and prefer to their child to be clean and stay inside. that makes things a bit imbalanced.
the kids must be really happy to playoutside.
indeed @ekavieka, but it has to be balance in social life... thank you for stooping by brader