Macrophotography || Ten o'clock flower

in INDONESIAN HIVE3 years ago


Hi all. Tonight I want to share some pictures from my own photography, so the object I took this morning was a small flower planted next to my mother's house. I saw the flower was very beautiful when it was blooming and I immediately took a picture with it.

Hai semuanya. Malam ini saya ingin membagikan beberapa gambar hasil photography saya sendiri, jadi objek yang saya foto tadi pagi yaitu bunga kecil yang ditanama disamping rumah sama Mama saya. Saya melihat bunga nya sangat indah pada saat lagi mekar dan saya langsungmemotret nya dengan beberapa gambar.



I don't know the Latin name of this flower but in my place this flower is named "Ten Hour Flower". Why is it called the old hour flower because the flower blooms at ten o'clock in the morning so that's where the origin is called the ten o'clock flower. So different places have different names, maybe your place has a different name.

Saya tidak tau nama latin bunga ini tapi di tempat saya bunga ini diberi nama "Bunga Jam Sepuluh". Kenapa disebut bunga jam sepuh karena bunga mekar pada jam sepuluh pagi maka dari situlah asal mula disebut bunga jam sepuluh. Jadi beda tempat beda nama mungkin ditempat kalian beda lagi nama nya.


The flowers that I photograph have two colors, namely pink and orange with the same tree but have flowers of different colors but the flowers look beautiful and attractive, very suitable for planting in the yard as ornamental plants so that the home page looks attractive.

Bunga yang saya foto ini memiliki dua warna yaitu merah jambu sama orange dengan pohon yang sama tapi memiliki bunga yang berbeda warna tapi bunga nya terlihat indah dan menarik sangat cocok di tanam di pekarangan rumah sebagai tanaman hias supaya halaman dirumah terlihat menarik.





That's a little information from me about the image I posted, I hope you like it. Thank you and see you in the next post.

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