Hai every body,
On this very noble occasion, I would like to share about the increasing demand for palm sugar, especially as we approach the holy month of Ramadhan.
Since I live next to the house where palm sugar is produced, I can understand the conditions in the marketing of palm sugar. Basically, there are a lot of enthusiasts from the palm sugar produced, only because the irregular manufacturing process makes people or customers switch to other palm sugar distributors.
But it can't be helped, the party that produces palm sugar is experiencing problems in capital after being lied to by his own brother-in-law.
The first two months after I moved into the house, the business of producing sugar was only done once a week. Sometimes there are also once every two weeks, there are even up to a month only once. The production of palm sugar will only be continued if the first stock of palm sugar has been sold all so that the capital can be turned over. And so it happened until next.
It's really a very sad effort ..!
Even though it is like that, his enthusiasm never fades so that he can give the best for his little family. He had no capital anymore, so he was willing to rent a pick-up car just to be able to get capital.
After several months of surviving only with capital turnover, thank God this time the capital was not as difficult as yesterday. Therefore, he could immediately stock up a few kg of sugar for the process of making this palm sugar because palm sugar is not made from sap water but from granulated sugar which is cooked and mixed with several ingredients to harden and soften the texture of this sugar.
And there is even better news that in the last few weeks the production of palm sugar has increased drastically, especially in the days that are approaching the holy month of Ramadan. Every day they have to produce this sugar, even if they are unable to do so because of the rain after that they have to produce sugar again. The extraordinary market demand makes them have to work overtime to produce their palm sugar again. I once noticed that they produce palm sugar three times a day.
This is truly something that is extraordinary!
Maybe this is the result of the patience they lived the other day. Whatever befalls each of His servants, that is the best for him. Keep the spirit to be patient because Allah knows everything that is outer and inner from His servants.
That's a little from me about the increasing sugar production approaching the holy month of Ramadan. Whatever happens with this life, don't complain because it is God's scenario that we have to live with. And rest assured, Allah's scenario is better than the scenario designed by humans. Be faithful with all the processes, God willing, you will be happy forever.
Thank you very much for all the support and visits all friends.
Please follow and support me 🙏
best regards,
so sad to hear what happen to him. and I am glad that his business is recovering.
the wok used to make the palm sugar is very big. I hardly found a wok as big as that here.
I hope business can return to normal.
And I think so too, this cauldron is very big, thick and of course very heavy. That's why this cauldron is never lifted to another place.🤗🤗🤗