Nigeria bans ATM cash withdrawals over $225 a week to force use of CBDC
i came across this in the Telegram Pursuit of Privacy group this morning, and responded thus:
i then continued, and copy below:
Source (but slightly edited)
Here's a fictitious example set in the future (when it was written 3 years ago) which shows how The #Matrix8Solution could be used.
HONG KONG, 8 April 2020
Headline in The South China Bugle:
Successful Hong Kong Protesters Credit Matrix-8 Platform for Renaissance of Democratic Process
Following today's unprecedented, and unannounced 17 million-strong demonstrations in 47 cities throughout Sino-Asia – Chicom Premier-for-Eternity Mou Sy-Dung has taken an awkward, but portentous step back. Unaccustomed to surprises, or to acknowledging even the slightest defeat, he has nonetheless announced a year-long moratorium on governmental responses to peaceful protests in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Tibet. It would seem that The Chinese People's Voice—as they are calling it—has been heard!
A new baby has been born – and left on your doorstep! This baby comes from a long line of Social Media Platforms. Its mother is Chatrooms; its father is Crowdfunding Platforms; and it speaks pure Democratic Process.
Its name is the Matrix-8 Solution. The above news report is an example of its 2020 foresight.
The FOSS for #Matrix8 is currently being developed by Lethean (on A Zano chain i think) to be used for decentralised community governance of their DAO like organisation (Lethean Community Interest Company).
Creating the code for Lethean #M8 governance will include writing the code for the Matrix-8 "Mother Platform". The Lethean "Cause Group" (as any Community/Business/Organisation is called in #Matrix8) will be an autonomous organisation using a Matrix-8 sub-platform for it's community governance.
Upon joining, Community (Cause Group) members will be issued a cryptographic Anonymous ID and "Trusted Reputation score", which will follow each member in what ever Cause Group(s) they voluntarily choose to join (and voluntarily choise to leave without any fear retribution).
Only individuals can join and take part in consensus meetings.
Matrix-8 is a fractal framework which is populated (only limited to the number of people who connect - it could be billions) by the members during consensus meetings. It is not a fixed structure, but a balance between structure and flow.
Want to find out more about this anonymous (very important - cuts out emotional decision making, political crap, prevents the powers that shouldn't be targeting organisers, and other reasons) mass consensus making system (a people powered bottom up governance system - NOT a goverment) and help it move into reality?
For now i'll give you some links to read to get a fairly quick overall picture.
Solution to Reputation and Governance issues on Blockchains
For DAO developers
Note, it is not necessary for an organisarion to create a DAO. Existing legal or non legal organisations (Limited company, non-profit or whatever) can still use an M8 sub-platform for whatever aspects of their organisation they choose to give community decision making to. It does not have to be used for (and probably should not - unless proposed by dev team) changes to code for example). Initially for example it could be rested for marketing of the organisation, to co-ordinate social media engagement, and even reward just this aspect of partipating in marketing governance with a community token. If proven successful the community governance scope could be widened, eventually perhaps so the org. Is completely decentralised.
i in-courage you to dive deeply into Matrix-8 by reading the links above and to ask questions, ideally by commenting under the above linked posts, (if you choose to join Hive - which i also encourage for many reasons),
In the Matrix-8 Telegram chat group
so others can gain insight and join in (including the designer of Matrix-8, John Huckel @Matrix-8 )
Sat Nam
All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)
#nigeria #lotus #archon #proofofbrain #palnet #matrix8 #PGM #OneUp #m8s #matrix8fixesthis #thoughtfuldailypost #vyb
@menoski Would you please share with Nigerian Communities and elsewhere?
Hello atma