The Matrix-8 Solution White Paper
This is an update to the original Combination Introduction and White Paper Post written by John Huckel nearly two years ago.
This updated version was also written by John (@matrix-8) incorporating suggestions / edits from @snider and
Part 1 – An Overview
The Matrix-8 Solution is an Internet-based Bottom-up Governance Utility. It will always own itself, and be directed by its members.
Real Time Democratic Processes are possible for the largest of groups. It could handle the population of the entire planet. And no one ever has to deliberate with more than 7 other people at any one time.
The Matrix-8 Solution organisation will likely operate as an autonomous DAO/DAC like entity, without any dependence on any external legal organisation, and be developed in a Web3 environment.
Part II – The Underpinnings
In basic operation it operates like a seamless mashup of Chatrooms and Crowdfunding sites.
Uniquely, it resolves the Democratic Trilema; it can rebalance the Pareto 80/20 Rule; Anonymity is assured, robust Internet Trusted Reputations can be established; and the Tragedy of the Commons can be resolved.
It reflects Human Nature and is both spiritually and philosophically sound.
Part 3 – Battle of the Globalists
The Mob (99% of the population) under the 1% Globalists' 7,000-year-old Bureaucracy are all but powerless. The Mob utilizing the Matrix-8 Solution dwarfs the power of the Elite.
It's unlikely that the Powers that Shouldn't Be will take notice of this empowering means of association - until it's too late.
Part 4 – Follow the Money
The Matrix-8 Solution appeals to the spirit of Freedom and Responsibility in Sovereign Individuals.
As a commercial venture the Matrix-8 Solution could be HUGE!
The Network Effect guarantees incredible gains for anyone who invests in this nascent project.
Politicians who adapt to the requisites of the Matrix-8 Solution would have a decided advantage over their opponents.
Consider how much money could be generated by using the Matrix-8 Platform to augment or completely replace the standard voting rigmarole at various levels in different jurisdictions. At just $1.00 per voter the potential profits are staggering.
Anyone can join for free. And just for recruiting others—who can also join for free—when this takes off, the Mob (the community members) will reward you (by concentrated consensus) for your efforts.
The intention is that the Mother Platform keeps itself well insulated in its use of the Utility Tokens planned. If they are never sold, but only donated into existence, and if there are never any contractual agreements regarding them, it is hoped that the SEC would never have jurisdiction to regulate the Mob Mother in any way.
Part 5 – The Mechanics of Consensus
Interlocking small groups of 8 form a growing matrix. Although the size of the matrix is unlimited – no one ever has to deliberate with more than 7 others. The structure is mathematically described as a Fractal Cube.
Repeated Surveys will continually group Participants for concentrated Agreement, until Business Plans are adopted, funded and deployed in the Real World.
Part 6 – A DIY Project
In a DIY fashion, Matrix-8 Platforms can now be assembled from various utilities currently available on the Internet. They would be a bit clunky – but workable.
Part 7 – Trusted Reputation
Using Blockchain to keep track of how Participants interact on the Matrix-8 Platforms, a Participant's reputation can be factually complied and recorded – all the while maintaining Participants' Anonymity.
The American Dream of Sovereign Individuals freely enjoying their Human Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property is possible through Governance under the Matrix-8 Solution.
Part 8 – What do we do next?
Join the Cause Group to create the 1st Matrix-8 Platform (see links how to join at the bottom of this post).
Become knowledgeable about all aspects of the project (read posts and ask questions in the New Age dApps Matrix-8 Hive Community).
Spread the word.
Recruit others.
The Matrix-8 Solution White Paper
Part I – An Overview of what the Matrix-8 Solution is and who I am, and who other Founding Members are.
Part II – Historical, Anthropological, Psychological, Mathematical, & Logistical underpinnings
Part III – Why it will result in a Battle of the Globalists
Part IV – Follow the Money
Part V – The Mechanics of the Fractal
Part VI – A DIY Project
Part VII – Trusted Reputation
Part VIII – What do we do next?
Part I
An Overview
This white paper is to introduce to you The Matrix-8 Solution – the apotheosis of LLC-DAO’s. It actually offers a way out of Society's current dystopian mess. It just needs your understanding and support.
I know that that may appear to be an over-the-top claim – but it's true! Consider a platform that could handle billions at a time to facilitate the Democratic Process. It could change the Participation, Deliberation, and Voting aspects of Governance in a similar manner to how Blockchain has changed Finance. At a minimum, it could make improvements to the voting methods currently used. At the extreme, it could completely replace Governments. And along the way, it could be a hugely profitable platform, because it offers unique valuable services across the spectrum of large organizations in the public sector.
But as far as actually replacing existing Governments goes, envision a New World Order in which there are no rules made by the Powers that Shouldn't Be. Imagine a Global Society where everyone who had an interest in any aspect of life could have their say. Imagine a Society where projects could be democratically deliberated, voted on, and funded, all with Anonymity. And importantly... imagine a Society where once your group's decisions were made, there would be no lawful Force applied on you to comply – if you decided to disassociate yourself from the group. If wanted to stay in the group, you would agree to abide by their discipline, but, if you were not in agreement with the decisions made and the direction headed – you could simply disassociate from that group with no consequences. You are now imagining the world as optimized by the Matrix-8 Solution.
This DAO (or similar decentralised entity) will always own itself.
The Matrix-8 Solution will likely organise and operate a a DAO/DAC (or similar). And in true DAO fashion, this DAO will never be controlled by other than itself. Developed in a Web3 environment, it will grow organically through the united efforts of folks like you and me – folks who can see the incredible benefits for themselves and their families, and for societies worldwide that adopt its methods of Governance. It is important to make the distinction: Government implies force, Governance does not. Once you understand that the Matrix-8 mechanism entrusts control of the group to the Sovereign Individual – it becomes a real no-brainer.
I am not a programmer, businessman, disciplined investor, or successful marketer.
I tend to give gratuitous lectures about a wide range of topics.
I am a philosopher who has developed a coherent worldview based on Human Nature.
I hold a personally-evolved foundation of spirituality, outside of any established religion.
I cherish the American Dream, as delineated in the sacred founding documents of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.
I have developed and sold an amusing board game teaching the realities of the wealth pump of inflation and deflation.
I am an as yet unpublished best-selling author of facts and fictions.
I was born a pre-Boomer WASP.
I have been employed as a paper-boy, office worker, cook, counselor, tutor, and salesman.
I speak English and Spanish.
I have been in 48 of the 50 states (including Alaska and Hawaii).
I have visited 15 nations on 4 continents.
I have lived in 3 nations, and am now an ex-pat.
Caveat and Challenge
Since I am ignorant of many of the skills necessary to create what is necessary for the first operational Matrix-8 Platform, this White Paper will be more focused on the logic and philosophic underpinnings of what I envision. I want to convince you that it could work. If you are convinced that it could work, then I want you to join us in seeing if it will work. The potential benefits to your own life and that of future generations are enormous!
Other Core Team Founders
A former successful businessman turned Yogi, discovered Blockchains & Crypto (specifically Steem Hive), nearly two years ago, and immediately began learning about, writing about and sharing about The Matrix-8 Solution when he found the original White Paper in January 2020.
Atma is committed to the team to help bring The Matrix-8 Solution into being & use. You can learn more about Atma from his Hive Blog here and from Atma's Hive Introduction Post from January
@snider was recruited by Atma (via an interesting interaction on Twitter) in September 2021, and Tweeted this in November.
Snider is the Project Lead & Open-Source Developer at Lethean, a Private Coin and dVPN. He is in the top 2% of coders on You can learn more about Snider and his skills here.
To become involved in The Matrix-8 Solution Cause Group and help to grow this Evolutionary Project, please
Join the New Age dApps Matrix8 Hive Community
If you are an Element (secure messaging platform), you can
Join The Matrix-8 Solution General Discussion + Q & A Room
This is a non-encrypted room, bridged to Telegram, so initially you can
Join with Telegram if you prefer.
You are encouraged however to join the Matrix-8 Element Room, as Element is required to access the
Element Matrix-8 Cause Group 001 to take part in the more focused and potentially sensitive (therefore encrypted) discussions. You cannot join this room with Telegram, as Telegram do not offer encrypted groups/rooms.
Rewards on this post (100% Powered Up) are shared
34% to New Age dApps Matrix-8 Hive Community
33% to @matrix-8 (John Huckel)
33% to
Please comment below with any thoughts or questions. Remember, your interactions are immutably recorded here on the blockchain and will help to increase the value of the network, and the KLU tokens to be minted in the future and claim dropped to you, if you choose to help. Likewise for interactions in the Element Rooms, sharing on social media, recruiting, learning about Matrix-8, etc.). It will help you/us to find your interactions if you use the hash-tag #matrix8 and/or #m8s in any posts, comments and shares.
Read The Matrix-8 Solution White Paper (Part 2) Here.
#teamuk #proofofbrain #palnet #matrix8 #m8s #matrix8fixesthis #thoughtfuldailypost
Hello Everyone
Thank you Atma for taking the time to bring this solution to the table for many of us. Although I know about crypto, this is the first time I hear of directing the blockchain technology towards self-governance.
I Like the Idea and can't wait to see it in action. But what happens if this becomes big ? the elites control so many aspects of technology nowadays they could shut it down very fast, is this true?
I get the hunch this is the beginning of something big. But maybe Matrix-8 is just the first building block towards a real decentralized governance system. In the worst case scenario it maybe be exactly that, in the best something really impactful and with so much potential waiting to be realized.
i am.prerty certain it will be impossible for #thepowersthatshouldntbe to shut down the #Matrix8 mother platform or any subplatforms built on same chain. i don't fully understand the tech behind this but i trust @snider does and is designing the tech to be bulletproof. Perhaps he can answer with a quick 99.999% (or whatever) agreement, and or link to tech info to show this (if it is public knowledge yet).
Thanks for the comment. You are farming future $KLU's as well as !PGM !PIZZA and !LUV
Peace and love
100 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM three times per day
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day
One thing that will be important for your project if you truly want this to work is to consider how you are going to handle anonymity combined with the likelihood people would create multiple accounts because they are anonymous.
I'll go ahead and write a post about my concerns related to this and then reply again with a link. It is a big hurdle to all efforts as far as I can tell.
I replied to your post. I am pretty sure The Matrix-8 Solution is a solution to these issues. @snider Lead Dev of Lethean private coin agrees, and plans to implement a Matrix-8 sub-platform for community governance of it's DAO
The voting mechanism to me can be a solution. The issue I see as a problem is that if a platform is based upon anonymity then how do you guarantee that each account is one person, that they have only one account, and that they are not something like a corporate or shared account?
If it is by invitation that would seem to be a way to protect against this unless the invitation is sent to people you only met online. It is not difficult to appear to be multiple people online. Thus you could potentially get more than one invitation.
Time will weed out the alt-accounts due to their actions/lack of actions affecting Rep Score.
Not necessarily. It will only do that if they have too many, they make mistakes, and/or they appear abusive.
If they don't do any of those things they could still effectively end up with more voting power than other people. It would require some effort of maintaining multiple accounts but if the number is kept small multiple accounts is not the same as a bot.
A bot is automated. People could manage a half dozen or less accounts by logging into them at different times, different browsers/systems, etc. and manually operating them.
I was doing this in early experiments myself in the early 90s before WWW even took off. I had multiple accounts on a BBS system and we had a game back then that was basically trying to expose each other.
I kind of intentionally developed a unique personality and way of communicating depending upon which account I was using. I did this so they would appear very distinctly different from who I am. In this case the BBS also had a place we would all go at various times to physically use them (on campus) so sometimes we'd use that factor to try to discover each other.
I had my primary account...
I had one called Bandaid that was always trying to offer to help people and that was their core personality.
I had another called Technoterrorist that was an asshole but not a troll. I never have been into trolls. I just intentionally was more aggressive with that one. It was long before 9-11 and any of the negative connotations that name has today.
I had another called Chaos Poet who communicated exclusively in poetry mostly of a chaotic fashion. That ironically was resurrected on Steemit and was my first big pay day on Steemit. I had a back and forth dialog in comments once with it where all my responses were poetry I wrote on the spot and I think I made $900+ on that exchange just in the comments. That was insane.
When I wanted to keep them separate people had NO CLUE they were me. Not one of them was every discovered even by my closest friends.
On steemit I quickly intentionally ended any anonymity on the various accounts I had as I didn't want anyone to be able to see me using different accounts and jump to conclusions that didn't exist. I mostly used different accounts back then so I could focus on specific interests for each.
@dwinblood, @newsagg, @chaospoet, @seductiveart, @becauseisaidso, and @metal4ever are all my accounts.
The only one I've been active on with hive really has been @dwinblood.
Oh to further story. I did write a bot for that BBS back then called Victor Mindmeld that actually posted on the BBS and responded to its own email. It was rather primitive and it made up email responses and BBS posts by parsing what people said to it. It was kind of an advanced Eliza/Racter type AI thing. It was very flawed but you'd be floored by how many people thought their conversations with it were with a real person.
It certainly was not even remotely something that should pass a Turing Test but surprisingly many people fell for it anyway.
I just wrote this as my concerns RE: this and many cool project ideas:
Hi there!
Thanks for share Atma!
For those of us who have just come into contact with these platforms (like Element) I have a question.. why is it useful for it to be encrypted? what is the benefit? and what would be the difference with Telegram?
I just try to understand in a deeply and simple way why is this the best option and if is this permanent or temporaly until the Matrix-8 Platform arrives?
Many Blessings
More answers to your q's here
An interesting and revlutionary blueprint for freedom.
I feel it is important that more people come to similar conclusions of their own accord.
Solutions like this are quite simply the only logical route for world equality. We need more big ideas to usurp the presumptive authority of something as incidious as 'the great reset'.
While I do not agree with 100 percent of this document - it is a grand start to a world where people can live in harmony once again.
We must live our own reset.
I like this.
Wow 🙏
Indeed. Will you join us?
Nice practice! I also working on myself to become fit and healthy again
A little bird told me you are beginning a holistic health course which includes nutrition & a daily kundalini yoga practice? Is this so? If so, i look forward to reading all about it and how it (presumably) improves your well-being!
(2/3) gave you
Of course! I'm with you!🙏 Sat Naam
Can you take these action steps please:
Step 1.
Join The Matrix-8 Solution General Discussion + Q & A's Unencrypted Room on
The Matrix-8 Solution General Discussion + Q & A's Unencrypted Room on Telegram
(It is the same group/room but best to join with Element, but you can join with Telegram using this link if you prefer not to install Element secure messenger for now).
Step 2. Create an account on Hive (obviously you have done this already :-)
if you already have a Hive account, just tell me your user name. https://[email protected] then send me a message here or mention me in a Hive post or comment.
Step 2a.
Join the Hive New Age dApps Community:
Con amor
!PGM !PIZZA !LUV sent 0.1 PGM tokens to @nayriti
remaining commands 8
Buy 100 PGM token to send 0.3 PGM tokens per day
Cool and interesting 🙂
Will you join us?
hello, is there a French group of 8-matrix somewhere?
No, not yet, we are very small group at moment. No Cause Groups have been formed yet as Dapp has not yet been coded.
We are currently looking for people to join the team, learning about Matrix-8 and to help in various ways, and be rewarded in HIVE and premine KLU
Are you interested?
Sat Nam
Some free Hive-engine tokens for you: !PGM !PIZZA !LUV ¡LOL
Ps. Would you like to have some fun, help save the world and get rich while doing so?
If so,
Join The Matrix-8 Solution General Discussion + Q & A's Group on Telegram and potentially pre-mine $KLU to earn $HIVE and *pre-mine $KLU"
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
I gifted $PIZZA slices here: tipped cosmic.paradise (x1) tipped menoski (x1) tipped nayriti (x2)
(4/15) tipped zhishuijing (x1) tipped @chrisaiki (x1)
Learn more at!
Wow this is absolutely incredible and I deeply resonate with this and has been one crazy deep dive I tried to click the hive link, but it didn't lead me to a group. Also have you guys created a discord as it is an easier means of communication and community building.
Although the statement I'd question is not mob vs globalist, but how we as the human race can ask more critical questions and grow as humanity overall bringing out the highest potential in each individual therefore creating win-win-win situations.