The Mechanics of Consensus
The Matrix-8 Solution White Paper (Pt. V)
Written by John (@matrix-8) incorporating formatting/edits by @atma.love. If you have not yet read the previous parts of this white paper, please do so by clicking the link(s) below:
The Matrix-8 White Paper - Abstract and Part 1
The Matrix-8 White Paper - Part 2
The Matrix-8 White Paper - Part 3
The Matrix-8 White Paper - Part 4
Part V
The Mechanics of Consensus
Visual Aids
The easiest way to visualize the different levels of 8-PACs as the matrix grows is to understand Fractals.
A Fractal is a repeating geometric form. It is an infinite pattern that appears similar no matter what section of it you look at it. While some fractals can appear quite complex, they're all formed by simple mathematical equations that repeat endlessly. In the case of the Matrix-8 Solution, we're talking about a very simple Fractal – a Fractal Cube. At each level, the basic structure is the same – and it continues to grow with the addition of more and more Participants. You can see some pictures of growing Fractal Cubes here
8-PACs operate the same no matter how large the group becomes, or at what level you inspect it. No one is ever talking to more than 7 others at any one time. At each level, it's just 8 Peers in their private Cube discussing what to do next. And they are interlinked with the whole structure, such that everyone is on the same page as Deliberations continue. And all it takes is a cellphone or Pc to allow someone to join in the structure.
An 8-PAC
Imagine the 8 Peers of our 8-PAC as the red rubber balls occupying the 8 Corners of the Cube. This is an image of an elemental 8-PAC. It is also the basic element of a 3-D Fractal Cube that expands geometrically as a Matrix: 8, 64, 512, etc. Whether we are talking about a group of 50, 500, or 500,000,000 – at each Level, it operates exactly the same as if you and seven friends were trying to determine what to do next about something important to you all.
Initially, Opinion Leader/s of the Cause Group create a Survey for all the Participants to take. 8 Opinion Leaders will be elected to be responsible for any further Surveys needed. The results of the 1st Survey will be use to group the initial 8-PACs according to the greatest Agreement among the Participants. After some Deliberation, the 8 Peers in their cube elect a Delegate to exchange what they've come up with with the Delegates from seven other similar cubes. Those 8 Delegates form the corners of a larger cube. This is the next level in this growing fractal of cubes.
The 1st Level cubes each represent their 8 Participants. The larger 2nd Level cubes represent 64 Participants, the 3rd Level 512, etc, ad infinitum. In this graphic representation, when the balls are red it means that the 8 Peers are ready for, or are in the midst of Deliberations in their mini-Chatroom atmosphere. They continue in their Deliberation mode until they reach an Accord about some aspect of their Cause that they want to communicate to the other 8-PAC's in the Matrix. When they have finished deliberating among themselves for the moment, our red Peers change to blue – signaling that they are now ready to communicate their Accords with the larger Matrix.
Delegates Share the Data
Once they have something they want to share, they then elect one of their Peers as their Delegate. (In any Matrix of any size, each Corner of each Cube has its fixed unique Identifying Number. And to maintain anonymity, Peers in their 8-PAC's address each other—not by name—but by their Corner's Identifying Number: #1 through #8.) In this example, 8-PAC Peer #6 was chosen to carry the 8-PAC's message to the rest of the Matrix. The now blue rubber ball, representing their elected Delegate, moves to the center of their Cube. At this point, Peer #6 has two duties: 1) To continue with Deliberations with his or her Peers in their 1st Level 8-PAC; and 2) To enter into Deliberations with his or her Peers in the 2nd Level 8-PAC now being created.
The center point to which Member #6 moves, is coincident with one of the Corners of the larger Cube of the next Level up. In this manner, starting from their 1st Level 8-PAC, their elected Delegate and 7 other Delegates from seven other 1st Level 8-PAC's create the growing Fractal – in the form of the larger Cube describing the 2nd Level. Every Level after the 1st Level is made up from the Delegates just below it. Even if there is only 1 other Delegate sitting in his or her corner when Member #6 gets there, Deliberations can continue. And once all the 8 Corners of the larger Cube are occupied, they have created their complete 2nd Level. To continue Deliberations they would then elect their own Delegate who would move to the center of their 2nd Level Cube, immediately describing a Corner in the next Level to be formed: the 3rd Level.
We have seen that each 1st Level 8-PAC is made up of 8 Participants. A complete 2nd Level 8-PAC is made up of the 8 Delegates from their 8 1st Level 8-PAC's. A complete 2nd Level 8-PAC represents 64 Participants. And eight complete 2nd Level 8-PAC's make up a complete 3rd Level 8-PAC – a total of 512 Participants. 8 X 8 X 8 = 512. (But no Participant is ever deliberating with more than 7 others at any one time.) Represented as a 3D Fractal with the Cube as the elemental unit, a completed 3rd Level 8-PAC looks like this:
This is a picture of a complete 3rd Level 8-PAC of 512 Participants. Think of all those red rubber balls held in place in their corners by the rigid bars describing the cubes. That is the repeating form of any Geometric Fractal that describes a Cube Matrix of any size.
Data pulsing with life
Now lets give life to all those Participants in their Deliberations. As Deliberations get underway, watch the red glow as Participants deliberate and digest the new information they glean from their 7 Peers. Then, when they reach Accords they wish to share with the larger Matrix, watch as the red turns to a blue glow as the information flows up the Levels. Then, it turns red again as the information flows back down to be discussed and understood in the lower Levels. (Kind of like the light show of an energized squid contemplating what to do next.) Picture these continuing cycles from 8-PAC to 8-PAC, and Level to Level, continuing up and back, as the Data is discussed, and Importances refined.
This cycling will generally continue until a point of stasis – where little forward progress is being made in relation to the Cause. If the Cause Group has as yet been unable to reach any Actionable Accords, the 8-PACs need to be reordered to further concentrate Agreement. Since the whole purpose of the Matrix-8 Platform is to solve problems in the Real World and get things done – sitting day after day arguing with #4 and #7 about something you are sure about, is a waste of time. So, at this point, a new Survey should be called for. Only then, with more concentrated agreements, will forward progress in the Cause continue to be made.
Survey Break!
So, when the group as a whole decides it's time for another Survey, the 8-PAC of Opinion Leaders is activated to come up with another Survey. At this point, and until the Surveys are completed, and new 1st Level 8-PACs formed, there is no more communication on the Matrix-8 Platform. All dialogue reverts solely to the source Chatroom, or Chatrooms of the Participants.
These are the same Sovereign Individuals who had independently joined the 'Save-the-Penguins' Cause Group at the start. But as they prepare for their 2nd Survey, they are now intimately aware of the full nature of their group. They can see the various sub-groups with their distinct ideas. This time they are much more savvy about how much their Cause Group can actually do for those damn penguins. This time the Survey will be more attuned to real possibilities than to the general topics of the 1st Survey. The Chatroom conversations continue as before, but now they're excited! They see their group getting closer to a plan of action.
Visually, the hiatus – waiting for the next Survey – is as if all those rubber balls forming the matrix high above the Participants standing on the floor in their Chatrooms, are absorbed back into the Participants themselves. Now, there is no matrix – just 8000 penguin lovers milling around chatting while they wait for the next Survey.
The 2nd Survey will reveal where Participants now stand in their relative understandings and proposed solutions. Participant by Participant—according to the degree of their Agreements—they will be regrouped together in newly configured 1st Level 8-PAC's. And similarly, the newly formed 8-PAC's are grouped to maximize Agreements as the higher Levels of the new Matrix are formed. This is so that a Delegate from their newly formed 1st Level 8-PAC's will find that he or she is in close agreement with the 7 other Delegates in their newly formed 2nd Level 8-PAC. You can think of the whole system as a pulsating Agreement Factory.
Now, reordered into their new 1st Level 8-PAC's, Participants pick up their Deliberations – always with the intention of eventually reaching for the Actionable Accords necessary to realize their particular Cause. From their new 1st Level 8-PAC's they will elect Delegates who form the new 2nd Level; they, in turn, begin their Deliberations, and send their Delegates to form the new 3rd Level, etc. And if new Participants have joined the Cause Group—growing the Matrix—they too will be assigned to 8-PAC's according to their surveyed importances.
The Participants continue this cycle of deliberating, surveying, then disbanding and restructuring their Matrix according to the Surveys – until Actionable Accords are finally agreed upon. Then they act to realize their Cause in the Real World.
And it is important to see that all 8000 Participants don't have to agree on a single Business Plan. There may be multiple sub-groups that emerge that follow their own solutions to the snowballing penguin problems. The Matrix-8 Platform doesn't insist on particular outcomes – or any outcomes at all for that matter. It is possible that once folks become really educated about a certain Cause, that they decide not to pursue it. Once many in the 'Save the Penguins' Cause Group learn that penguins carry the malignant Covid variant Mega-Delta, they may leave that group and join the 'Decimate Aquatic Flightless Birds ,' Cause Group. Life goes on....
There is so much to be done in the world that many folks might find themselves drawn to various different Cause Groups at the same time. But they are not involved in any Cause Group to just spin their wheels, and sit around and chat. These are serious folks – there to arrive at a consensus that results in Actionable Accords to get the job done! And when the task at hand is indeed done, if they have completed all their business, the whole Matrix ceases to be. The Participants involved may or may not join other Cause Groups, and repeat the process to realize their new Causes. But, Participants from any Matrix-8 Platform from any jurisdiction are invited to join the worldwide Mob Mother.
To recap...
The Matrix-8 Solution is an Agreement Factory. In a nutshell, it is an innovative way for large groups to gather on the Internet, set an agenda in a standard chatroom format and then meet in secret pods of 8, to anonymously deliberate and then vote on and fund a Business Plan. The Business Plans generated will be of such detail, that the attendant costs of putting them into action will be well understood by each Participant. Each Participant who is interested in putting the Business Plan into operation, will donate their portion of the money needed into an account set up specifically to fund it. When sufficient pledged monies are collected, the Business Plan will leave cyberspace and hit the Real World running. And unlike standard Crowdfunding platforms, the money accumulated will not go to one or two Leaders of the project, but to the group of fully informed Participants. Many of the necessary Real World positions in the organization can be filled by the Participants themselves.
As I admitted in the Disclaimer above – I don't know jack about the programming necessary to make it all happen. So, as far as the mechanics go – in Part 6 (to follow) I'm going to lay out what could be done with just the currently available utilities on the Internet. Those of you who are more knowledgeable about bits and bites should be able to see how it can all be mashed together into a comprehensive program.
John Huckel
The final parts of The Matrix-8 Solution White Paper will follow in the next few days
Please comment below with any thoughts or questions. Remember, your interactions are immutably recorded here on the blockchain and will help to increase the value of the network, and the KLU tokens to be minted in the future and claim dropped to you, if you choose to help. Likewise for interactions in the Element Rooms, sharing on social media, recruiting, learning about Matrix-8, etc.). It will help you/us to find your interactions if you use the hash-tag #matrix8 and/or #m8s in any posts, comments and shares.
Call to Action
Please Join The Matrix-8 Solution General Discussion + Q & A's Unencrypted Room on Element: https://matrix.to/#/#The-Matrix-8-Solution:matrix.org
The Matrix-8 Solution General Discussion + Q & A's Unencrypted Room on Telegram: https://t.me/+U6NwI1Zw3Z_F-Jja
The above two links are to the same group/room but it's best to join with Element so you will also have access to the encrypted Cause Group rooms. You can join with Telegram using this link if you prefer not to install Element secure messenger for now.
Sat Nam
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Looking forward to seeing it unfold...@atma.love
Namaste ^^
I can't quite wrap my head around it but interesting. Hello from Albania :)