The 2 Hour “Hi”, 2 Sudukos & 2 Ducks Later, Lost Neighbour

in BeYourself3 years ago (edited)


I was up and about, well not so much about, but I was up at around 6:30. I went right into my devotions while struggling with the usual morning sinus drainage. It is such a nuisance honestly, for which I need divine intervention. But I was not going to allow it to deter me from my quiet time. Everything about my life is hidden in God. Proverbs 22:4 KJV put it this way. “By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life.” After my devotions, I checked phones messages, but there wasn’t much to see and so it was easier to avoid ‘the pull’ to linger on my phone. I went on to do the extensive leg and lower body exercises, followed by back exercises. I’m not sure what was happening with me, but I was feeling agitated. I thought the leg exercises were too long and I couldn’t wait to finish. I’ve been thinking of setting an appointment at the osteopathic clinic a day or two before I return to work and start the intense bicycle riding next week. I have the plants some water to help them prepare for the heat to come. I felt I had to start getting used to them again in this weather. LOL.

Life moves more smoothly for me when I have a plan. After having my morning concoction, I made plantain porridge. I have only one green plantain left in the freezer, but quite a few ripe plantains to go. I’m a happy camper with this and really appreciate being able to use the freezer in this way. Breakfast was absolutely delicious. I didn’t start eating until about 10:05 and watched a Japanese movie with that. But there was an off feeling all morning which arose from uncertainty. I didn’t know what to do today. My only teaching lesson had been cancelled due to covid19. I had no other plans really and this caused me some tension. Sure, there were the various writings – poems and stories – I needed to tend to, but I was not of the right frame of mind because something else was pressing me. But I wasn’t quite sure what was pressing me though.


I had taken to playing backgammon more and more on my phone, since introduced to it a few months ago. I’m a real board games ‘game head’. Whenever I did play, I would turn off the internet connection to avoid the ads that bombarded the screen. When I turned on the internet connection a few moments later, I noticed a missed call from a darling friend of mine in Jamaica. She was just calling to say hi, I picked up in the text message she followed up with. Two hours later we said goodbye. LOL. I like those “Hi’s”. I had texted her and told her I wanted to talk a little, because I was really out of sorts. From her voice, I could tell that the talk was useful too. Support is critical and I never really understood what had been missing from my life while growing up. It’s really hard to talk about these things as adults, but it’s the only way to overcome them.

The talk was good, but didn’t help my present state of what to do today, now. There has been a lot going on in the background waiting to be resolved but showing no signs of resolution. That has built up some amount of frustration that requires me to start again. Typing out my thoughts is helping. What isn’t helping however is the increased pain I’ve developed in my wrist from doing these daily entries on top of other computer work. I’ve been able to ignore the pain somewhat but I believe I need to revisit my Amazon cart. The mouse pad I’d bought helped a little, but it wasn’t enough I had to admit. By now it was after lunch time, but I wasn’t up for eating so I grabbed a snack instead. I sent a couple emails to two of my jobs and as I sat down thinking, I concluded that I should go for a walk by the river. It was superbly hot today, but I figured maybe a walk would help. It usually does, if I’m being honest. And so I left my apartment at 14:30. I noticed some cleaning going on a couple doors down and wondered if I had lost another ‘neighbour’ or was about to gain one. When I had put my garbage out Wednesday evening, I had noticed some evidence of household items being thrown out. Hmmm… I made my way through my community. It took me 15 minutes to get to my spot by the river and sit down. The water I had to cross was high and the piece of board set in place, a bit rocky on one side. I had passed a man in a bright, deep pinkish-red shirt. I made sure to say hi, just because you never know what a word might do for someone. I could have easily passed by, as his back was turned to me, though I’m sure our eyes had connected while I’d still been out in the distance. It was really hot in the shade and I realised the heat in the concrete upon which I sat, was working it’s way through my buttocks. The sun also, though hidden behind the clouds didn’t make it’s heat less felt. “Fiya a bottom, fiya a top and hallelujah inna di miggle”.

A few minutes later, the sweetest wind blew and it was actually nice and cool. It was timely too, as I realised the water bottle I had placed in the freezer to take along with me, had been left in the same place. In any event, I thanked God for the nice breeze as I set about trying to make new records with the sudoku. I must say I had improved greatly on level 6, but I was looking forward to level 10. What about the other levels? Well, I didn’t remember seeing them when I was making my purchase. And besides, I also probably didn’t want to buy too many. I always have things to occupy my time, but I want to be as constructive with my time as possible and I didn’t feel I did that today at all. Once I’d finished the two puzzles, I started packing up to make my way home, when I noticed two ducks who seemed to have been washed down the river my the strong currents that had frightened me a few times as I’d sat there. They were trying really hard to swim against the current. It was so good watching their efforts, but the middle of the river was too strong for them. It swept them further downstream. But I noticed that the ducks were stealthily making their way to the other side of the river at the same time. Towards the banking was a gentler flow. The ducks probably know the river better than I do. They were able to more easily swim upstream. They however abandoned that all together as they took flight. How amazing, I thought to myself, that they were able to seamlessly transition from water to air and to land.



I had lost another neighbour. I observed the blue seal that was newly affixed over the post slot on the door as I made my way to my apartment. I was back home 2 sudokus and 2 ducks later. I got home just a few minutes after 16:00 as the ducks had delayed me with their charm. I sat down once more in my entertainment spot, unsure of what to do. I decided to moisture my hair while I watched the news. That took me only about 10 minutes however. I realised the time was going and so I decided to complete today’s blog entry early today. I sat around my work computer and took up my phone to work on my blog. I prefer to use my phone because I get suggested words and it’s easier to voice type as well. I can do that on my computer as well, but not directly into WordPress and I don’t usually get word suggestions. I then decided to set an appointment for the osteopathic clinic next week. It’s a good thing I did because it will be the last day for my clinician! I couldn’t believe it. I’m almost sure I won’t go there again once he’s gone. My mind got distracted and I started thinking about what I could possibly get him to thank him for the great work he did with me. I’m still not sure though.

I went back to working on today’s entry but had to stop a few minutes later. The pain in my wrist had intensified and this was not helping at all. I immediately went into my Amazon account then brought up YouTube to try and make the best wrist brace selection. After almost an hour had passed since I’d sat down at my work space, I finally made a purchase. I had to do a little extra shopping to stave off the shipping cost. I got some coconut milk and something for my birthday. The birthday plans have been underway already. I’ve never done anything like this before, but I’m putting in some effort. It was time for dinner which incidentally, I had put to warm on the lowest setting on the stove to be finished by the time I had finished today’s entry. But that hadn’t happened the way I’d planned it. LOL.

It’s the life of a freelancing adult. Oh, did I mention I also did some job hunting again today? I’m not sure what I’m expecting to be different because all the jobs are pretty much the same. I need to work on a plan for the next couple years. So much uncertainty. God be my help.

Thank you for journeying with me on today’s entry. Please support by leaving a comment below or sharing this with someone who might enjoy the journey. Remember to follow my blog to get posts directly in your inbox. 18:52