The World Of Art 🖼️

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Art is fantastic, and I can say it's just a part of life we can't turn away from. There is art in almost everything we do. Right from the way we eat, the culture we adapt, the ethics, the music we listen to, the movies we watch, and even deep into the forest and wildlife, there is art almost everywhere.

Don't you think why people just love to listen to the sweet and suiting voice of the birdsong and the cool whistling from the breeze and the dancing trees around us? Taking a good look at the sky above us and the lovely art of nature at its peak. What about the waves and tides that come from the horizon of the oceans and the seas? They are all so beautiful scenery to witness.

It's now left to the observer to see sense out of it or not, they might get to give meaning to the occurrence, and if they wish they might not. Sometimes we just have a free mind from all those scenes, sometimes we also get to see and pick out a lot of reasonable points from them.

I love and appreciate seeing myself learn from almost everything around me. I will try as much to go deep in my thoughts about it and then pick one or two. I have the feeling that most times things happening around us are always pointing at some kind of meaning to us, but it's left to us to fathom it.

When I look at the clock, with a light and constant gaze. I get to see beyond the numbers and the mechanics behind it. My wonders go deep down about the thoughts on how those seconds keep ticking and then it keeps counting up to become a part of our lives. Every second ticking must have been a moment for going into our existence. Was it the clock that got itself tangled with us or we are the ones twisted by fate to the clock? .

When it comes to watching movies or listening to music, I am always engrossed with the feeling of gaining something from the movie. I always want to believe that listening to music or watching a movie should have a message it has to pass across to the listener or the viewer.

Recently, movies I have been watching are the ones that portray a true life occurrence pointing towards some meaningful experience and events that one can surely adapt to. It's either giving out morals, motivation, inspiration, or in one way encouraging me to be the best version of myself.

Sometimes it might even come with fun. This way we get to see the beauty and humorous nature of the scene, zeroing all of our thoughts and finding joy in watching them. The same thing applies to music too. Music also gives its vibes to the listeners. They have to learn something from it or just vibe to it. But deep down there's a reason why all of these arts were created in the first place.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in hive learners community for the Week 142 Edition 2 and the topic to be discussed is MEANING TO ART

Header is Mine


 3 months ago  

This is interesting.
I just thought of something just now, Art is more like a way of life which means everything originated from Art even the science people claim today, there is nothing without art because art is the mother of creation.
I enjoyed reading this and it opened my mind to something new. Thanks for this.

 3 months ago  

Life is interesting, really. Everything is made to be unique and it’s only when you look deep within that you will find true meaning to it. That is the beauty of life.