Proper Balance Is Needed For Childrens

in Hive Learners6 hours ago

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Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life🙂

Any parent tries his best for his children so that they do not lack anything. No matter how they have lived their life, the life of the children should Then when the children start growing up, parents start worrying about what kind of company they will be in and what kind of environment they will be in when they are in school or whether they will be able to study properly or not etc. From the time they go to school in the morning till the time they come back home in the evening, parents are worried about this. If it was up to them, they would keep an eye on the children in school but this is not possible because parents also have their own work and life. It is fine till a young age but when the children start reaching youth and if the parents do helicopter parenting at that time, then this thing is not right to some extent because it affects the personal space of the child a lot. What happens in helicopter parenting is that parents keep an eye on every activity of the children and its biggest side effect is that the child can never do anything freely because he knows that he is always being watched, due to which he will find it very difficult to do even his personal work. If parents start interfering in everything, then there is a lot of harm in this too because in such a situation, the children later on become such that they are not able to open up.

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Every parent wants that their child should walk on the right path and he should never regret anything in his life. When a child is born, the parents pay attention to him 24 hours a day right from the beginning. In the initial years, it happens that a parent has to always be with the child because even a small negligence can be harmful for the child. When the child starts to gain some consciousness, then the parents get some relief and then they can concentrate on the rest of their life. Till the time the child is small, he is able to focus on anything else with great difficulty.

Many times, it comes to the mind of children that if their parents are always keeping an eye on them, then it could mean that someone is doing something wrong, but it is not always the case that the child does something wrong. If this is happening repeatedly, then the children also start doubting themselves and then they start doing only those things which are good in the eyes of their parents. But it is not necessary that the thing which is good in the eyes of their parents is actually better for them because the generation of parents is a bit old and for the new generation, things are quite different.

It is important to keep an eye on some things but if a parent gets involved in everything then the child's personal space will end and there are some things that the child has to learn from here and there and these are the things that he knows very little about. If interference keeps happening in such a situation then it will be very difficult for the child to learn in the future. He will have this fear in his mind that his parents are keeping an eye on him in some way.

Thanks for reading my post till the end.
If you have any suggestions or feedback then please comment down.


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