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RE: A Billboard That Sparked Curiosity and Concern | ایک بل بورڈ جس نے تجسس اور فکر کو جنم دیا

in Hive Learners2 months ago

There should be legal recognition, but If you check on the internet, you will find many businesses related to the name Hive. However, Hive is a digital platform and the Hive Group you are talking about is a real estate group, so there is a lot of difference between the two. I feel that the problem can arise where two platforms do similar work and if one platform performs poorly, it can affect the other.


I show all my blog links on my WhatsApp status. Many of my friends are not Hivers, but they know about PeakD. I've received a lot of messages from people asking if I am involved in these Hive group banner ads because the ads on the banner didn’t provide any details about what Hive group is.