How are you all? Hope everybody is well. Wishing you good health and longevity in this community I am starting today's content
Friendship Bonds
The picture you see above was given to me by a friend in 2015. He painted it with his own hand and gave it to me as a bond of friendship. The importance of friendship is essential in the life of each of us. Friends have an impact on our lives at many times. Beyond that primary, school, college, from the present university to death, a part of our lives is for friends. Rakibet in the middle of my friends after thinking about it. Rakib gave it to me as a gift on my birthday. The picture is very old and torn, but our friendship is still new, the bond is very strong. I hope this friendship will last a lifetime. I haven't seen Rakib for a long time. The bigger we get, the bigger our busyness becomes. Maybe friends aren't given the same amount of time as before, but we still have friendships like before. We have two kinds of friends in life, one good friend and one bad friend. Appear first in your good times but never find him in bad times. Whom we call milk flies. And the friends of good times love us from afar, pray for us. We should never break this bond of friendship. But there are still people in our society who never keep those who are dedicated to them close to us in good times and we are not by their side in their bad times. These things hurt the people on the other side a lot. The cries of the wounded never reach my ears or we never realize. We know that a good friend is better than a hundred books. But most of the time we make mistakes in choosing friends which results in us suffering a lot of the time. As a good friend will support you, you will run in danger. The exact opposite is the case. In the case of a selfish friend, he will only be with you to achieve his interests. We don't need 100 friends, just having a good friend is enough.
In fact, writing about friendship will never end, but I will write a story about friendship another day.
Stay well