Being Broke Does Not Stop Me From My Pressing Needs

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Being broke means being out of cash sparingly or totally. There are so many times or so many days we would be broke and would require something.


Nicola Bart's
Sometimes in life, we find ourselves in conditions where we are absolutely out of cash. It could be due to unforeseen circumstances, loss of a job, or poor financial management. Irrespective of the reason, there are a few things that we still need to buy, even when we are out of cash.

1. Food: We could find it so difficult to do without food, just because it is the most paramount thing we must not skip when it comes to not having cash or being out of cash. The only thing to cut short may be to limit the kind of food you eat or the way you eat. Instead of overeating, we may try to cut our ration just to save the day. The fact remains that when you are having issues with your pocket, you need to investigate how to manage the way you eat and the way you prepare your food. You may buy lots of fish or meat, but you can buy plenty of vegetables instead.

2. Water: We cannot survive without water, and it is important to have access to clean drinking water no matter the condition. Even if your pocket is dry, there are usually public facilities or community centers that provide free access to water. Not only that, running out of cash does not run, we shouldn't drink water. This is not possible, as it is what keeps us alive. Where I stayed, I bought drinking water from a nearby house. So, even though I'm broke, water would be the first point of reach.

3. Essential Medications: You may have to buy some drugs when you are feeling unwell, and this is what you can never do without. No one can be able to manage the sickness you have in you. Health is wealth as they once said and not taking good care of it would result in something you did not plan for.

4. Basic Personal Hygiene: I'm a woman, and all women right here should understand that aspect of what I am trying to draw out. Being a woman, there is one particular thing related to hygiene that you must not run away from. Sanitary pads are so important to keep you in a state of hygiene. Not taking good care of it would result in something else. This part of life is what women can never run away from. Even though you run out of cash, you must find it possible to provide it no matter what.

Toothpaste and soap are also essential for maintaining cleanliness, just to avoid illness or diseases. You all should know that going out without brushing your teeth would cause mouth odour. Moreover, bathing with soap is significant to our health.

5. Communication: In today's digital age, communication is paramount. The only thing I cannot do without is visit Hive. Data has been the major thing ever when it comes to surfing the internet. I can always make it available at all costs just to make my day complete. It may not be easy to buy data, but at least, I can get the cheapest plan just to ensure I logged in to my Hive account just to see what's happening.

In another way, so many people cannot do without having call cards on their phones. This would make them remain inactive no matter what.

It's hard to do away with my children's feeding aspect, especially when it comes to the aspect of buying them biscuits for school. This is what I can never skip, no matter my pocket or condition.

I can say we have needs, but it wouldn't be easy to leave some aside as they have been seen as important to us even when there is no money at hand.

It is critical to remember that being out of cash is not a permanent condition but a temporary one, and with proper management and planning one would be able to beat it. Most people love spending in an exasperated manner without minding tomorrow.


You get the point dear, food and water are very important to human life without them we can't survive living. personal hygiene is also important to every human being, as for me I can do without not having card on my phone but I must have data