Good evening everyone. I've been gone for a few days. Actually I was on a small trip. All right. I'll share more about this trip I had in a few days, but for now I think I want to talk more about something more important. Not in my personal life but on a global scale in the tech space. I have ranted about this before but I just want to put it out there that I was not wrong. I want to call out Nvidia. In their latest generation of consumer graphics cards, they have again proved that they have so little to offer yet so much to charge.
As they previously announced, The reviews of these new graphics cards are not out. You can watch the big YouTubers talking about it. But if I want to boil it down into simple words, we can say that the new RTX 5090, isn't much of an upgrade from the RTX 4090 when you consider the $400 price increase. The Raw performance isn't at the same level as the increase in price is suggesting. Also they are lower than what Nvidia previously claimed in their slides during CES. But even though that wasn't fully price to performance accurate, it was still some sort of an upgrade. But if you step down a little and take a look at the RTX 5080, then the story gets far worse. Previously the second best or third best flagship of a generation comfortably beat the best flagship of the previous generation. But this time the RTX 5080 failed miserably against the RTX 4090. And at the same time The 5080 is roughly the same speed as the 4080 super. So you release a new generation, A successor to a graphics card, and it gives you only some 5% or maybe 7% or in some cases less than that in terms of performance gains? How does someone justify and upgrade with that?
Furthermore, in their CES keynote, Nvidia claimed that their new RTX 5070 will be on par with the RTX 4090. But now that the reviews are out, we can see that the supposedly better car than the 5070, which is the 5080, gets beat by the 4090. So how is 5070 supposed to be the 4090? An impossible task. Hence, we can say that Nvidia put on a huge lie. I really don't know what they gave from this. Yes, they completely disregard the gamers now and they always talk about AI and AI generated frames in games and AI accelerations in other places, but if the raw rasterization performance is so negligible in terms of generational upgrade, it really begs the question that are Nvidia just repackaging the same thing and selling it again and again on a premium each time? And practicing bad commerce while at it? I think yes, and their Monopoly must be broken or this company is gone.