Rockstar isn't Going The Right Way

in Hive Learnerslast month (edited)

Good evening everyone. I hope all of you are doing well today. So I like to play games on my PC. And I've always loved to play them since I was a kid. But I didn't have my own computer back then. I only got it 4, maybe 5 years ago. I used to play these games on my cousin's computer (Yes, I wouldn't get much time on it). And some of them stuck with me as a very strong nostalgia. One such game was GTA vice city. I'm sure many of you have played it. This game has a cult following and I am one of them. No, I'm bringing this up now because there has been some new development regarding this particular game. Four modders from Russia have managed to remake the whole game using an updated engine, The same that was used in GTA IV. And they're calling it. The GTA vice city next gen edition.


So because they have ported the whole game onto this new engine, vice city receives a graphical update, and updated physics along with updated movements and mechanics throughout the game. We all are aware of the GTA trilogy definitive edition released by Rockstar Games some 2 maybe 3 years ago. And it was an overwhelming mess. Rockstar messed up the physics, the graphics, the mechanics, and also the optimization to these games. Fans across the world. Raged because of it as the trilogy games hold a very special place in the heart of the average PC gamer or at least an overwhelming majority of them. Since then people around the world have been trying to upgrade the games of the GTA trilogy on their own. Basically morning the game or morning a different more modern in solvent of GTA to make it look and feel like the original vice city. Many of these mods will get banned or taken down due to the Rockstar Games parent company take two interactive. They have been very open and vocal and condemning mods that change the exact game experience. But I think it is a way to combat their own failure to deliver an otherwise usable GTA trilogy definitive edition that people will not hate upon. As for this newest next gen mod, the waters are still murky. The YouTube channel in which these four modders uploaded older work has been taken down by take to interactives requests and without any explanation. This enraged the modders and they decided to make their own project a whole standalone game and will release it to the internet just to stick it up to take two interactive. And take two is trying everything they can to delete this mod from the face of the Earth. And they're currently not going a very good job at it.

But I personally think that no, they should not be pursuing companies or modders modding their games. Because these don't hurt the profit margin of the game. Instead when many want to play this old game they could have bought the new one just to make the old one compatible. Now I believe take two is an open war with these next Gen editions and they would very obviously like to strike a deal with them or condemn them outright. But being so strict against the modern community will only tank the reputation of Rockstar Games further. Instead, if they would have embraced the mods, maybe this next gen edition wouldn't come to reality. But I am so happy that I am getting to play this. And it feels just like how I left it. When I was a kid. I thought that was the pinnacle of graphics and today I am finally able to play my same old nostalgia with an updated set of attributes.