A Compulsory check-up might end some people's life

in Hive Learners12 days ago

Immediately I saw the topic for edition 2 of week 156, I started laughing. Do you know why I laughed? Is because Nigerians that I know will always have a way of walking about without doing what is expected for us.


Compulsory check-up is a good idea because it seems as if we don't really care about ourselves. Even myself that is talking, sometimes I feel sick, or even not tok well in my body, but I will just keep trying to see that I finish all the house chores before resting or even before thinking of treating myself. Why do I behave like that? Because it has not been made compulsory. Is just like when I was still a kid that my parents compel me to take drugs. Sometimes I throw up after been forced to take the drugs. But all the same the drugs was meant for my own good. The person trying to force me is also helping me get better. But I never saw it that way. I thought that they all hate me because the drugs were always bitter. And even when a drug is not bitter because of its name, it already bitter. I don't like taking drugs. I also grew up with such mentality. Up until today whenever I am sick, I give one excuse or the other for not taking drugs. When you see me take drugs, maybe the sickness has gotten to a level that I can't endure it any more.

This image belongs to me

Seriously speaking, we need that as a law in this country even when I know that is not everyone that will obey it no matter how we try to do it. At least there are still some people that it will save. Those who will be willing to go mighty get some help when they get there. Seven years back we saw some women from the Federal Medical center Keffi, working with one NGO that tries to find out the real causes of cancer in women. They told us to come over to the hospital in Keffi and do all the necessary checkup which is for free and they also promised to pay our transportation going and coming back. Most women refused to go. Some of us just reluctantly went just to fulfill all righteousness because we were in leadership. After everything some still withdrew and never went back again. I particularly went up to four times but when I discovered that the process was not ending I refused to go back again. I took almost a year going back for this checkup and at the end I wasn't given any feedback on whether I am prone to cancer or not. When I went for the last one, after all they did with my body that day, I made a vow never to return there again. You can imagine that they removed some particles from my womb for the checkup. I was in pains for hours while they tried to remove something from inside of me. Very horrible experience. It is for this reason that some people refused to go, because it will be very difficult for you to go to the hospital without going home with your BP high. They will always discover something to be treated. So, some decide to stay and when they are sick, they will go for checkup.

Because of all the findings from the hospital, alot of people will develop high blood pressure. Because you have been living very well, not until you went for the checkup and discovered that you are dying sone. Let me ask you this beautiful question, is it not better that death comes and you go peacefully, than having the trouble of knowing that you will die son? Which is better?

In summary, we need the compulsory check-up, but we need to stay alive till when death comes. If the checkup will bring more problem for me , I better not bother myself. But if it will bring a very good solution, then we can give it a trial.

 12 days ago  

Hello there, ma. Compulsory medical checkup seems good and positive. Many people out there are sick, but they choose not to do anything about it. Mandatory medical checkups would force them out of their homes.

Thanks for sharing.

 12 days ago  

Very correct dear. I also think that people can still decide to die even when they see opportunities to live. That is just life for us.
Thanks alot

 12 days ago  

Done here in our country we care less about our health and care more about our businesses or jobs which is very wrong.

 12 days ago  

Compulsory check up is good and will have a positive impact on people