Helicopter parenting is the type of parenting that we saw when we were growing up. Our parents were too involved in everything that concerns us. They always want to know what we are doing, where we have gone to, who we are with, infact they don't want to miss anything about us. I grew up in such kind of place and it started to display when my kids started coming up.
My parents made us believe that we can't do anything on our own. They made sure we report everything that happens and I don't blame them. They were actually looking out for our own good. Even though they ended up doing it the wrong way. I was so afraid of my mother that I can't move an inch of not permitted. If I try anything silly I will end up not eating food for that whole day. I remember how many times that I have to stay outside all through the night. My mother will insist that I sleep outside and no neighbor is permitted to open his or her door for me to come in. There this particular neighbor that allowed me sleep in their small apartment because my mother asked me out of the house and the neighbor could not bear to allow me sleep outside. Very early in the morning my mother called the police to arrest that neighbor and that was the last. Anyone that sees me outside sleeping alone in the night will just pass by and allow me there. Thanks be to God for protecting me from danger. If such happens today, that child will not be seen again. maybe after two days we will see some parts of his body somewhere in the bush. But it was terrible for me back then.
When I started having children I took that helicopter parenting is the best way to bring a child up so that the child will have good manners. Hmmm! It back fired on me oh because my younger sister living with me back then will not even let me do same to her. Even though I wasn't using the same hand that was used for me, but she never allowed me. She moved about with whoever she wants, makes anyhow friends. Move and in when she wanted. That became a very big problem for us.
- Over protective: parents who tries this method will find themselves always over protecting their children. The parents wants to make sure that the child is okay, which is not bad in itself, but we are doing it the wrong way.
- Constantly monitoring: Parents will discover that they always monitor these children which may end up bringing heart attack to the parents because it is not our work to monitor these children. All we need to do is to pray for them and allow God monitor them.
- Too involved in their affairs: This is what the children don't like. When we parents get into their affairs all the time and never allow them have a breathing space, then they will not find it funny. We need to do our part and parents and allow them to move on.
Children can not just be left alone all by themselves. They need the guidance of their parents. But that does not give us the right to monitor them and always want to dictate for them what they should do. We need to allow them some space, still with our weapon of corrections which is love. We need to correct them with love and affection.
Having time also to dialogue with them is very important. After we talk with them, go back to the God who gave you that child and pray for that child. When we have done our part, then allow God to do the remaining part.
All the images used in this post belongs to me.
I guess we must not over indulge in affairs if our kids. We must respect their privacy and grant them enough room in which they can decide on their matters. Such permission is not bad but it is Essential for their good personality development
Your points are valid and I concord to what you shared.